plotly / Kaleido

Fast static image export for web-based visualization libraries with zero dependencies
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kaleido 0.2.1.post1 is not installable via pip #156

Open maksbotan opened 1 year ago

maksbotan commented 1 year ago

0.2.1.post1 version on pypi has whells only for arm, and does not have a source distribution at all. Therefore it can't be installed on non-arm systems. And some tools (e.g. poetry) will pick this version as latest and try to use it on all platforms.

Perhaps it would make sense to add source distribution and wheels for other platforms to that version on pypi?

lainisourgod commented 1 year ago

I can't install on mac m1 either. very annoying as it's a sub-dependency I need to hardcode install with pip install kaleido (that successfully finds kaleido-0.2.1-py2.py3-none-macosx_11_0_arm64.whl) after when my main installation fails

ClementPinard commented 1 year ago

I second this problem

See a discussion about it on poetry :

They say it's kaleido's fault for not providing wheels for all platforms in last version.

Any thoughts on that ?

@lainisourgod I have the same solution (other than pinpointing to 0.2.1 explicitly), so it is possible to search for the latest version with compatible wheels since pip succeeds in doing that. I guess poetry does not want to be compatible with the usage of wheels kaleido is doing here.

I don't know who is right and who is wrong, I just hope we can solve this problem so that I can stop pinpointing exact version number of this library that is merely a dependency of another package in my own poetry project.

NeilGirdhar commented 12 months ago

@jonmmease This is breaking all of the packages that depend on kaleido. See this comment from the thread:

kaleido is doing the wrong thing here -- they should build wheels for all supported platforms with every version, or publish a sdist so they can be built on platforms they do not provide wheels for. If they need to add a single wheel to an existing release, that should be done by simply uploading another file; .postX releases are for metadata-only changes but are otherwise not special in any way.

goroderickgo commented 1 month ago

Is there any update on this? It's been over a year since this issue was identified, and it doesn't seem like this has been resolved?