plotly / Kaleido

Fast static image export for web-based visualization libraries with zero dependencies
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Suggestion - Mermaid diagrams rendering #165

Open ghuserlb opened 10 months ago

ghuserlb commented 10 months ago

Dear Sirs,

What would be the effort to create a scope for Mermaid JS diagrams rendering with Kaleido? That would be a nice proof that Kaleido can perform beyond the scope of vizualisation libraries...

Unfortunately I have limited skills to implement such scope myself :(

Best regards

alexcjohnson commented 10 months ago

Probably not too hard, just a bit of Python and a bit of JS, following the example of Plotly.js. We'd gladly accept a PR :)

coma007 commented 2 months ago

Hi @ghuserlb & @alexcjohnson,

If you are still interested into Mermaid.js diagrams rendering, untill plotly team makes a decision on my pull request, you can use it from my fork of Kaleido ! 😄