plotly / Kaleido

Fast static image export for web-based visualization libraries with zero dependencies
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Possible solution to Plotly Issue #3828, bold latex strings in exported pdfs #168

Open konmenel opened 8 months ago

konmenel commented 8 months ago

A detailed explanation can be found at issue #3828.


The changes are about 10 lines and an extra file that is used to create the configuration of Mathjax as mentioned in the MathJax Docs so that the stroke is set to zero.


As you can see, I made a change in repos/linux_scripts/perform_kaleido_build to copy the config file at the build directory. However, I didn't make any changes in the mac or windows scripts because I don't use mac and I didn't test the changes on windows. In theory, it's just an extra cp somewhere at the end.

crisostomi commented 5 months ago


Any news on this fix? I am facing the same issue and it would be really cool to have it gone for good :smiley:

konmenel commented 5 months ago


Unfortunately, no updates yet. It seems that the master branch of Kaleido didn't have any commits for more than a year. Also, the latest release was in 2021.

The only way to fix this right now is to compile Kaleido yourself as I did and replace the binary. See the issue if you are interested.

Ipuch commented 1 month ago

Can we update on this PR ? @jonmmease @cmey