plwalters / aurelia-bs-modal

DEPRECATED - Aurelia plugin for bootstrap modal
MIT License
17 stars 16 forks source link

Show Modal? #38

Open mikechabot opened 8 years ago

mikechabot commented 8 years ago

I included the plugin in my main.js, and everything compiles correctly. I then drop the following boilerplate code in app.html, and set showing=true in app.js - yet the modal doesn't display.

How is one expected to make this modal appear? I must be missing something very simple.

 showing? --> ${showing}
  <modal showing.bind="showing">
    <modal-header title="Name Goes Here""closeEventGoesHere()"></modal-header>
    <!-- <modal-body content-view="view-model-path-goes-here" content-model.bind="model-name-goes-here"></modal-body> -->
    <button class="btn" click.trigger="someFunctionGoesHere()">Save</button>
    <au-button text="Cancel""someFunctionGoesHere()"></au-button>

In the view, I get the following, but no modal displays.

 showing? --> true