plwalters / aurelia-bs-modal

DEPRECATED - Aurelia plugin for bootstrap modal
MIT License
17 stars 16 forks source link

DEPRECATED - please use instead for modals.


This plugin is for the Aurelia platform. It sets up a wrapper for the Bootstrap modal.

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How to install this plugin?

  1. In your project install the plugin via jspm with following command

    jspm install aurelia-bs-modal
  2. Make sure you use manual bootstrapping. In order to do so open your index.html and locate the element with the attribute aurelia-app. Change it to look like this:

    <body aurelia-app="main">
  3. Create (if you haven't already) a file main.js in your src folder with following content:

    export function configure(aurelia) {
      // Install the plugin
    aurelia.start().then(a => a.setRoot());
  4. Anywhere in your app add the following markup as a sample -

    <modal showing.bind="showing">
    <modal-header title="Name Goes Here""closeEventGoesHere()"></modal-header>
    <modal-body content-view="view-model-path-goes-here" content-model.bind="model-name-goes-here"></modal-body>
      <button class="btn" click.trigger="someFunctionGoesHere()">Save</button>
      <au-button text="Cancel""someFunctionGoesHere()"></au-button>

(Note that when You don't want to close button in modal-header, then use close.bind="false" instead of"closeEventGoesHere()" in modal-header)

  1. Update the bindings to be events in the view model that backs whereever you added the sample -

    export class MyViewModel{
    @bindable showing = false;
      this.showing = false;
      console.log('do stuff');
      this.showing = false;

    How to add buttons with behavior into footer


    au-button is available through the aurelia-bs-modal plugin to have re-usable button logic free of presentiontation. Make sure to .call the click binding instead of trigger it since we are passing a function reference.


    You can just as easily choose your own buttons to render there as shown in the sample.

    How to change the content that shows

    Setting content

    Right now you can set the content-view property directly with the view-model name as shown in the example. This will be a one-time setting of the property and lets the modal know which view-model / view you want to render. You can also (optionally) set the content-model property with the object that you want to act as the model to get data from to populate your view-model.

    Binding to content

    We can just as easily bind to that property to change the view-model mid-flight. A good example of this would be when using a wizard and going through steps. Ex -

    In your view-model

    export class MyViewModel{
    this.modalContent = "./step1"
      this.modalContent = "./step2";
    <modal-body content-view.bind="modalContent"></modal-body>

Cool links

Here are a few samples of the modal in action -

Here is a single modal and a wizard -