pmacg / kde-similarity-graph

Code for the paper "Fast Approximation of Similarity Graphs with Kernel Density Estimation", at NeurIPS'23.
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Fast Approximation of Similarity Graphs with Kernel Density Estimation.

This repository contains code to accompany the paper "Fast Approximation of Similarity Graphs with Kernel Density Estimation", published at NeurIPS'23.

Build Instructions

The similarity graph construction code is written in C++, in the src/cpp/ directory. There is then a python wrapper around this C++ code. To compile the code, follow the instructions below. It is recommended to use a Python conda environment, as this is the easiest way to install the project dependencies.

Install the C++ dependencies

The C++ code requires the following libraries to be installed.

You should refer to their documentation for installation instructions, although the following should work on a standard linux system.

# Create a directory to work in
mkdir libraries
cd libraries

# Install Eigen
tar xzvf eigen-3.4.0.tar.gz
cd eigen-3.4.0
mkdir build_dir
cd build_dir
cmake ..
sudo make install
cd ../..

# Install Spectra
tar xzvf v1.0.1.tar.gz
cd spectra-1.0.1
mkdir build_dir
cd build_dir
cmake ..
sudo make install
cd ../..

Compile the C++ Python extension

First, create a new conda envorinment.

conda create --name my-env
conda activate my-env

Then, in the root directory (the one containing this README file), run the following commands:

pip install -r requirements.txt
python build_ext --inplace

This will compile the C++ code and create an extension file which can be imported by the Python code.

Install the FAISS library

We compare our algorithm against the approximate nearest neighbour graphs constructed with the FAISS library. Install FAISS with conda.

conda install -c pytorch faiss-cpu

Running the experiments

There are three experiments reported in the paper.

Clustering comparison

To run the experiments for and create a figure like Figure 1, run the script:

python3 fsg/

Note that there is a parameter at the top of the script which allows you to select the number of data points to generate in each dataset.

Two moons experiment

To run the experiment for comparing the algorithms' running time on the two moons dataset, run the following conda command.

conda run --no-capture-output python run moons

Then, to create the figures as reproduced in the paper, run the following.

conda run --no-capture-output python plot moons

BSDS experiment

To run the experiment for comparing the algorithms' performance on the image segmentation task, first ensure that the BSDS data is extracted in the data directory.

Then, run the following conda command.

conda run --no-capture-output python run bsds

Note that the full BSDS experiment takes a long time to run. You can also run the experiment on a single image ID with

conda run --no-capture-output python run bsds --id {id}

Then, to create the figures as reproduced in the paper, run the following.

conda run --no-capture-output python plot bsds --id {id}

where {id} is the ID of the BSDS image you would like to plot. The IDs plotted in the paper are 35049, 208078, 61060, 135069, 2018, and 181021.