pmandin / cleancode

Example source code for using the Atari hardware using all possible systems functions
GNU General Public License v2.0
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atari-falcon atari-st coding-standards m68k tutorial-code

This archive contains example source code for using the Atari hardware using all possible systems functions (and also hardware access, not recommended for compatibility with future systems).

You need gcc, binutils, mintlib, gemlib (recent versions recommended). To compile, just 'configure ; make ; make install'.

For .ttp and .gtp programs, the text output can be redirected to the file "stdout.txt", by giving the "-file" parameter on the command-line.

See the file 'AUTHORS' for a list of drivers and documentations, used to develop these test programs.

1 Keyboard

Note: if you run kbde.tos, kbgd.tos or kbbi.tos from a terminal, you must set it to a VT52 compatible type (TERM environment variable set to tw52, vt52 or st52, see your termcap file),or most special keys will be prefixed by a ESC (27) character, hence quitting the program.

1.1 AES

Availability: All systems Demo program: kbae.prg Values read: Ascii code, scancode, special keys state of pressed keys.

1.2 /dev/console

Availability: Multitasking OS Demo program: kbde.tos Values read: Ascii code of pressed keys.


Availability: All systems Demo program: kbgd.tos Values read: Ascii code, scancode, special keys state of pressed keys.

1.4 BIOS

Availability: All systems Demo program: kbbi.tos Values read: Ascii code, scancode, special keys state of pressed keys.

1.5 IKBD hardware access

Availability: Atari machines, Medusa, Hades: yes Milan: no Demo program: kbikin.tos (interrupt mode) Demo program: kbikpo.tos (polling mode) Values read: Scancode, release/press of keys.

2 Mouse

2.1 AES

Availability: All systems Demo program: moaegr.prg (graf_mkstate) Demo program: moaeev.prg (evnt_multi) Values read: Absolute mouse position, release/press of buttons

2.2 VDI

Availability: All systems Demo program: movd.tos Values read: Absolute mouse position, release/press of buttons

2.3 /dev/mouse

Availability: Multitasking OS Demo program: mode.tos Values read: Relative mouse motion, release/press of buttons


Availability: All systems Demo program: moxb.tos Values read: Relative mouse motion, release/press of buttons

2.5 IKBD hardware access

Availability: Atari machines, Medusa, Hades: yes Milan: no Demo program: moikin.tos (interrupt mode) Values read: Relative mouse motion, release/press of buttons

3 Joystick


Availability: All systems Demo program: jsxb.tos Values read: Axis change, release/press of fire

3.2 IKBD hardware access

Availability: Atari machines, Medusa, Hades: yes Milan: no Demo program: jsikin.tos (interrupt mode) Values read: Axis change, release/press of fire

4 Joypads, lightpen, analog paddles

4.1 Hardware access

This program displays joysticks, joypads, lightpen and paddles value changes, when plugged on the enhanced ports.

Availability: STE, Falcon: yes Other machines: no Demo program: jpha.tos Values read: Axis change, release/press of buttons

5 Video

5.1 AES

This program displays VDI information about current video mode. Then it tries to draw Red, Green and Blue bars using 3 different methods:

Availability: All systems Demo program: viae.gtp Values read: Screen size, bit depth Pixel organization (with EdDI driver) Screen address, pitch (with EdDI 1.1 driver)

5.2 VDI

This program displays VDI information about current video mode. Then it tries to draw Red, Green and Blue bars using 3 different methods:

Availability: All systems Demo program: vivd.ttp Values read: Screen size, bit depth Pixel organization (with EdDI driver) Screen address, pitch (with EdDI 1.1 driver)


This program displays the list of available video modes, for each possible bits per pixel value. Supported screen enhancers are these ones:

Availability: Atari machines: yes Milan: need MVDI driver Demo program: vixb.ttp Values read: List available video modes, depend on the current monitor.

6 Audio (PCM)


To use Xbios functions, you may need one of these drivers: STFA: GSXB: X-Sound: Magic Sound: MacSound:

Availability: Falcon: yes Other machines: need one of previously listed XBIOS drivers Demo program: auxb.tos Values read: List of available replay formats (frequency, channels, bits)

6.2 Hardware access


Availability: STE, Mega STE, TT, Falcon: yes Other machines: no Demo program: auha.tos Values read: List of available replay formats (frequency, channels, bits)


7.1 /dev/cdrom

Availability: Multitasking OS: need CD-ROM .xdd driver Demo program: cdmi.tos The default device is '/dev/cdrom'. To change this, specify the device on the command line with '-device /dev/mydevice' parameter. Values read: List of tracks if CD present.

7.2 Metados

Availability: All systems: need Metados + CD-ROM driver Demo program: cdme.ttp Values read: List of Metados drives, list of tracks if CD present.

8 Hard disk

8.1 XHDI

Availability: All systems: need XHDI-aware harddisk driver Demo program: dixh.ttp Values read: List of supported drives, partitions infos, device infos

9 Bus

9.1 PCIBios/XPCI

When you run the test program, the file 'pci.ids' must be in the current path, so the program can find it. It contains the names of devices.

Availability: All systems: need PCIBios or XPCI driver Demo program: bupc.ttp Values read: List of PCI devices, and some infos

Use -dumpbios parameter to dump the ROMs of the cards.

9.2 SCSIdrv

Availability: All systems: need SCSIDRV driver Demo program: busc.ttp Values read: List of devices, and some infos

10 Hardware

10.1 CPU/Custom chips

Availability: All systems Demo program: hw.ttp Values read: CPU/MMU/FPU type. List of custom chips.

10.2 RSVF/HSModem serial ports

Availability: All systems with HSModem installed Demo program: hwrs.ttp Values read: List of serial ports.