pmarrapese / tg-logsaver

Save message history from Telegram Messenger
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Telegram Logsaver

This Node.js application automates downloading of messages from Telegram Messenger.


This application requires an ES6-friendly version of Node. It should run on Node v4 and higher.


npm install -g tg-logsaver


Obtaining App ID and App Hash

The application must have an ID and hash to communicate with the Telegram API. These values may be obtained via the App Configuration page. You will be prompted for these values during the next step.


The application must be authorized to use your Telegram account. To do this, run tg-logsaver auth in the directory you wish to save logs. You will be prompted for your Telegram app ID and hash (if necessary), and your phone number, then sent a login code. Once the login code is entered and validated, the application will automatically save your Telegram app ID, app hash, and authorization key to the config file.

Note: The Telegram library this project relies on ( does not currently support 2-step verification. If you have 2-step verification enabled, try disabling it prior to authorizing. It can be re-enabled after authorization is complete.

Saving Logs

To save all logs, simply run tg-logsaver save in the directory you wish to save logs. Logs are saved in the logs directory.

When running for the first time, the process may take a while to complete, as the Telegram API limits the amount of messages that may be retrieved at one time. Subsequent runs won't bother downloading days that have already been downloaded.

Note: This application currently only support saving messages between users (i.e. not groups)
