pmed / v8-nuget

NuGet package for V8 JavaScript Engine
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NuGet package for V8 JavaScript Engine

This packages contain prebuilt V8 binaries, debug symbols, headers and libraries required to embed the V8 JavaScript engine into a C++ project.

Package Version
V8 x64 for Visual Studio 2022 NuGet
V8 x86 for Visual Studio 2022 NuGet
V8 x64 for Visual Studio 2019 NuGet
V8 x86 for Visual Studio 2019 NuGet
V8 x64 for Visual Studio 2017 NuGet
V8 x86 for Visual Studio 2017 NuGet
V8 x64 for Visual Studio 2015 NuGet
V8 x86 for Visual Studio 2015 NuGet
V8 x64 for Visual Studio 2013 NuGet
V8 x86 for Visual Studio 2013 NuGet
V8 x64 for Visual Studio 2017 XP platform toolset NuGet
V8 x86 for Visual Studio 2017 XP platform toolset NuGet
V8 x64 for Visual Studio 2015 XP platform toolset NuGet
V8 x86 for Visual Studio 2015 XP platform toolset NuGet
V8 x64 for Visual Studio 2013 XP platform toolset NuGet
V8 x86 for Visual Studio 2013 XP platform toolset NuGet


To use V8 in a project install the package v8-$PlatformToolset-$Platform.$Version from a console with nuget install command or from inside of Visual Studio (see menu option Tools -> NuGet Package Manager -> Manage NuGet Packages for Solution...) where

There are 3 package kinds:

After successful packages installation add #include <v8.h> in a C++ project and build it. All necessary files (.lib, .dll, *.pdb) would be referenced in the project automatically with MsBuild property sheets.

How to build

This section is mostly for the package maintainers who wants to update V8.

Tools required to build V8 NuGet package on Windows:

To build V8 and make NuGet packages:

  1. Run with optional command-line arguments.
  2. Publish nuget/*.nupkg files after successful build.

Build script supports command-line arguments to specify package build options:

  1. V8 version branch/tag name (or V8_VERSION environment variable), default is lkgr branch
  2. Target platform (or PLATFORM evnironment variable), default is [x86, x64]
  3. Configuration (or CONFIGURATION environment variable), default is [Debug, Release]
  4. XP platofrm toolset usage flag (or XP environment variable), default is not set