pmmp / PocketMine-MP

A server software for Minecraft: Bedrock Edition in PHP
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
3.24k stars 1.52k forks source link

I'm retiring #6295

Closed dktapps closed 2 weeks ago

dktapps commented 4 months ago

It’s been a long time coming.

In the coming months, I'll be stepping down from my role in PocketMine-MP, and moving on from Minecraft.

I’ve been working on Minecraft-related projects in one form or another for almost 10 years now. I spent the last 8 of those years working on servers. However, I lost my passion for Minecraft many years ago. I haven’t actually played the game in years (these days I only launch it to test PocketMine changes). I’ve been here so long because of my personal circumstances and mental health issues, not because of interest or enjoyment in Minecraft.

However, my situation has significantly changed in recent years. This is primarily because of my job with Lifeboat Survival Games, which has empowered me to grow significantly. I cannot overstate how tremendously valuable the support of LBSG has been to me in the last few years. Nonetheless, I feel that it's time for me to move on.

My history with PocketMine-MP

I first got into PocketMine in 2016, at a time when I should have been focusing on studying, applying for university, etc. I was pouring effort into PocketMine to distract myself from the extreme pressure I was under, and from mental health issues. I’m ashamed to admit that I folded under the pressure, and found myself jobless and with nowhere to go in September 2016.

In the following 3 and a half years, I got stuck in a rut, because of crippling social anxiety and lack of money, amongst other things. I kept myself afloat financially by working for various server businesses. For the majority of this time, I struggled to make ends meet, but I felt unable to get into better work because of mental health issues. This went on until April 2020, when my money problems boiled over, and I was finally forced to make some major life changes.

I was hired by Lifeboat in April 2020 to help them migrate to PM4, implement support for new versions, and to do work on PocketMine-MP that they needed. This job has hugely benefited me, empowering me to work on improving my mental health and circumstances, while also providing me with low-stress work that I was already familiar with – PocketMine.

However, I've reached a point where I feel that working in the Minecraft space is no longer serving my best interests, and I'm ready to put it behind me.

What I've learned

I’ve learned valuable life skills, made some good friends, and learned a lot about community management – a role that I was spectacularly unfit for at the beginning – and I’d like to believe that I’m leaving this community better off than I found it.

I've also learned that coding isn't my passion. I had the most fun collaborating with friends in taking Minecraft apart to discover how it worked, and solving hard problems, not from coding PocketMine itself. I've enjoyed learning how things work my whole life, ever since I was a little kid taking clicky pens apart in school and putting them back together.

I used to idolize Mojang. However, I now know that Minecraft is developed by people that make mistakes like everyone else. I've learned not to judge people so harshly, and not to idealize people.

I know there are people in the community who idolize me, or look up to me as a role model. As I hope this wall of text makes clear, I'm just another guy that makes dumb mistakes like everyone else.

Future for PocketMine-MP

I'm not stepping down immediately. Nonetheless, the future of the project is uncertain.

I've invested a tremendous amount of effort into this project, at great personal cost. It's become the foundation stone upon which thousands of Minecraft servers have come to depend and trust. When I step down, I want to be sure that I'm leaving the project in good hands with people who respect the values that it's come to embody.

Maintaining and developing PocketMine-MP requires a significant level of commitment, responsibility and expertise. This is especially true considering that maintaining PocketMine-MP is a thankless task which doesn't pay the bills, unless you're fortunate enough to be sponsored by a business using it. Because of this, I don't foresee anyone coming in to replace me in my role of benevolent dictator. If PocketMine-MP survives my departure, it will be because of a team effort.

@IvanCraft623, @ShockedPlot7560, @TobiasGrether, @dries-c and @TwistedAsylumMC have been granted access to various parts of the code in order to perform future maintenance for game updates. However, they are not being paid to do so, and the decision of how much effort to invest is entirely theirs.

Sadly, it's easy for me to foresee a future in which all the large servers maintain their own forks, and the smaller servers die off. I hope that this doesn't happen, but it won't be my problem to solve anymore.

Future of the black cat

I'm still figuring that part out right now.

I didn't choose Minecraft. I just stumbled into it because my life came apart at the seams, and I discovered that I could make a little money from doing stuff for Minecraft servers. For various reasons, this is the first time in my life that I've had a good opportunity to decide what I actually want to do, instead of being pulled along by the flow.

The only thing I know for sure is that I don't want to do gamedev or anything to do with Minecraft. Perhaps not even software development, although it's difficult to just throw away over a decade of experience (as well as becoming one of OpenUK's top 100 OSS influencers in the UK). I want to do something impactful in the real world.

Yes, I'm 26, and I still don't have a good idea what I want to do. If you're out there reading this and don't know what you want to do either, maybe this makes you feel better :)

Thank You

There are many people I owe my gratitude to, too many to count.


After a long run, it's time for me to move on. PocketMine-MP got me through one of the most difficult times of my life, which I'll always be thankful for. I've also learned a huge amount, made friends, and gained valuable experience.

Finally – There's probably many people in this community silently struggling with mental health issues, just like me. You're not alone, and you're not crazy. Talk to someone you trust, even if you don't know how to explain properly. People who genuinely care will help you get the support you need.

sylvrs commented 4 months ago

thank you for the years of hard work and dedication just so people could create amazing things ❤️

TobiasGrether commented 4 months ago


Infernus101 commented 4 months ago

God bless you for giving me everything i have in my life right now without even knowing about it 🙏🏻 good luck with your future endeavors madlad!

ShockedPlot7560 commented 4 months ago


HydroGames-dev commented 4 months ago

Ah well Good luck with your future dylan

royaljacques commented 4 months ago

We didn't talk often, and the few times I came, in general it was a misunderstanding on my part about the way you wanted to develop pocketmine. It's true that many people take you for their idol and that's understandable. You have done so much for pocketmine, deploying updates as quickly as possible and also allowing the understanding and passion of programming to many young people under 16 years old. your course on pocketmine is mind-blowing, like many you started from nothing, and like few of us you managed to overcome the bridge of difficulty that there was to completely understand development. honestly, even if I criticized you a lot for the way you made your decisions (overwriting items for example lol) you were a savior, and above all a person who allowed many to realize their dreams. unfortunately the French community did not spare you, taking advantage of a small error that happened there, errors on your side as well as on Mojang's side. I don't know what else to say, except that we will certainly miss you, and that we will have difficulty finding someone with your skills and dedication

mmm545 commented 4 months ago

It's been a good run.

Good luck on the future Dylan! Hope you get a good and steady career, and have a good life man.

JaxkDev commented 4 months ago

I hope you find your calling, and a steady happy career whether thats software development or not :)

All the best, and DMs always open for chit chat 🫡

RestartFU commented 4 months ago

bro is retiring from an open-source project

TheRealHypixL commented 4 months ago


jeantkg commented 4 months ago

I hope you find what you're looking for and a steady, happy career. Good luck Dylan, you are the best.

Josscoder commented 4 months ago

Thank you very much for making me find meaning in my life too. I hope you find what you are looking for. Good luck Dylan

Laith98Dev commented 4 months ago

Good luck with your life, Dylan 👌

nicholass003 commented 4 months ago

Thank you very much for your hard work so far Dylan. Good luck!

dktapps commented 4 months ago

Thanks y'all for the kind comments ❤️

HBIDamian commented 4 months ago


cqdetdev commented 4 months ago

In the least cringe and fanboy way possible:

Thanks for all you've done. You've kept up the addiction of many 12-year-olds (and more to come) by maintaining this software and inspired a lot (including me) to start programming and using PM. On behalf of the millions of players who don't even know or understand your impact on this game, thank you.

I wish you great things in your future endeavors, Inshallah.

alvin0319 commented 4 months ago

Good luck with your future, Thank you for your hard work here.

UnknownOre commented 4 months ago

It has been quite the journey. Thank you for updating PocketMine for all those years. Good luck on your future projects!

shoghicp commented 4 months ago

Thanks for doing what I couldn't at the time. Congrats in a way as well, and good luck to whoever has to deal to the (now heavily decreased thanks to you) legacy code leftover.

AIPTU commented 4 months ago

It's been a long journey, thank you dylan!

riesters commented 4 months ago


OurLobanov commented 4 months ago


Jviguy commented 4 months ago

Wish you luck in the future, and thank you for all your hard work!

Smorted commented 4 months ago

thank you for all you've done for us, be assured we are very grateful for all the things you've accomplished along the years of maintaining pocketmine..

for sure your efforts succeeded to have an impact on my life as it cleared the road for me to explore and enjoy developing plugins based on pocketmine.

thank you dylan :)❤️.

skyss0fly-pm-pl commented 4 months ago

Thanks for your hard work, dylan. Even tho i have only known about pocketmine since 2020. It has changed who i am today. For the better. Ive made friends who have the same interests as i did. Ive learned new things and went out of my comfort shell to create plugins for People to utilise and enjoy on Pocketmine. We Salute you 🫡

NotYoel commented 4 months ago

Thank you for all your hard work Dylan. I don't think I would've decided to become a developer if I never found PocketMine.

Good luck in all your future endeavours.

g6ai commented 4 months ago

I was struggling with my study, well a lot of other things since 2016, maybe because I didn't cope with changes in life as I thought I did. I was checking PMMP updates very often and was just happy that I can set up a server so I can login with my phone and tablet, and aimlessly loitering there or let people I care in the server to loiter with me aimlessly. I don't know if I enjoyed the game itself at that time, but I'm very grateful for your work in this. I thought hey Dylan is the guy that makes my server keep working, the game changes now and then and he is the anchor that hold this server of my safe space in place. Thank you for sharing your story with us, hope you all the best!

BOFOII commented 4 months ago

I have been using PocketMine MP since 2019. Whatever you and your team have done until now is something interesting for me, thank you for developing this project, I know this project will not die easily. A little annoyed because you left and I just gathered great developers to provide pocketmine plugin development services hoping one day to work together with you

DANRULEZ123 commented 4 months ago

I hope life treats you well after your departure. Like you, I've also strayed away from actually playing the game and honestly lost a inner-passion that I had before. I am seventeen and have contemplated quitting to pursue other beneficial things outside of the internet. Seeing you say that coding wasn't really your passion is also something I realized that pertains to me as well. Have a good life. 👍

xinghao2003 commented 4 months ago

Thanks for your remarkable works on PocketMine 🫡 and Good luck in your future!

Yexeed commented 4 months ago

Thanks Dylan, your work made me change my course of life in 2017, and got me into software engineering, a thing that I actually thought of as something impossible to overcome.

Kas-tle commented 4 months ago

Hi Dylan,

As someone from the Geyser team, I just wanted to thank you for your contributions to Bedrock reverse engineering. I've always been personally impressed by not only PocketMine itself, but the various data extracting tools required for its development that you and others so graciously provide to the community free of charge.

I also know that you have always taken the time to answer questions from some of us when we were stuck in a block trying to figure out wtf Mojang broke with X update. From my perspective, you've definitely left the general Bedrock community a better place than you've found it.

Best of luck on wherever the future takes you!

onfroymaxim commented 4 months ago

i wish you good luck and great success in future

ipad54 commented 4 months ago

An entire era has passed...

Thank you for everything, Dylan. You are one of the best and professional developers I know. I wish you good luck in the future

OguzhanUmutlu commented 4 months ago

You didn't have to make PocketMine-MP software trash to make people leave you. Just say "I quit", bravely.

mopsikzlo commented 4 months ago

thanks for your hard work and support pocketmine-mp

padreon commented 4 months ago

Thanks Dylan for your hardwork, know that your contributions to pocketmine not only upheld its functionality but also ignited passion in aspiring programmers worldwide, especially among countless teenagers and children, paving the way for them to become programmers, leading to lucrative opportunities, unbeknownst to many, including yourself.

mdisprgm commented 4 months ago

You are good

RepliedK commented 4 months ago


CandleDev1 commented 4 months ago


PerzivalFr commented 4 months ago

Good luck to you Dylan and above all take care of yourself! 👌

kotyaralih commented 4 months ago

Thank you for all Dylan!

TheDataLioness commented 4 months ago

In all those years Pocketmine has inspired me to start programming. Got a degree in software development and now proceeding following my dream and got into university learning everything about game programming. I don't think my passion for programming would have been here if pocketmine wasn't around. I'm very grateful for the experiences I gained because of it. Thank you Dylan! 💜

kostamax27 commented 4 months ago

Thanks for everything, Dylan!

GabBiswajit commented 4 months ago

Thank you Dylan, And Good Luck For Future!

TheAz928 commented 4 months ago

We appreciate your hard work and effort Dylan, thank you. Wishing you all the best for your future, and in achieving your desired goals.

AnyBananaGAME commented 4 months ago

I am bad at speeches so i am not even gonna try.... Hope you the best journey whatever comes next tho

smartcmd commented 4 months ago

Empathize Best wishes to you!

celishere commented 4 months ago

This is the end of an era, thanks for everything man ❤️