pmndrs / drei

🥉 useful helpers for react-three-fiber
MIT License
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helpers hooks react react-three-fiber threejs

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A growing collection of useful helpers and fully functional, ready-made abstractions for @react-three/fiber.

If you make a component that is generic enough to be useful to others, think about CONTRIBUTING!

npm install @react-three/drei

[!IMPORTANT] this package is using the stand-alone three-stdlib instead of three/examples/jsm.

Basic usage

import { PerspectiveCamera, PositionalAudio, ... } from '@react-three/drei'


import { PerspectiveCamera, PositionalAudio, ... } from '@react-three/drei/native'

The native route of the library does not export Html or Loader. The default export of the library is web which does export Html and Loader.


Old doc > [!WARNING] > Below is an archive of the anchors links with their new respective locations to the documentation website. > Do not update the links below, they are for reference only. ### Cameras #### PerspectiveCamera [Documentation has moved here]( #### OrthographicCamera [Documentation has moved here]( #### CubeCamera [Documentation has moved here]( ### Controls #### CameraControls [Documentation has moved here]( #### ScrollControls [Documentation has moved here]( #### PresentationControls [Documentation has moved here]( #### KeyboardControls [Documentation has moved here]( #### FaceControls [Documentation has moved here]( #### MotionPathControls [Documentation has moved here]( ### Gizmos #### GizmoHelper [Documentation has moved here]( #### PivotControls [Documentation has moved here]( #### DragControls [Documentation has moved here]( #### TransformControls [Documentation has moved here]( #### Grid [Documentation has moved here]( #### Helper / useHelper [Documentation has moved here]( ### Shapes #### Plane, Box, Sphere, Circle, Cone, Cylinder, Tube, Torus, TorusKnot, Ring, Tetrahedron, Polyhedron, Icosahedron, Octahedron, Dodecahedron, Extrude, Lathe, Shape [Documentation has moved here]( #### RoundedBox [Documentation has moved here]( #### ScreenQuad [Documentation has moved here]( #### Line [Documentation has moved here]( #### QuadraticBezierLine [Documentation has moved here]( #### CubicBezierLine [Documentation has moved here]( #### CatmullRomLine [Documentation has moved here]( #### Facemesh [Documentation has moved here]( ### Abstractions #### Image [Documentation has moved here]( #### Text [Documentation has moved here]( #### Text3D [Documentation has moved here]( #### Effects [Documentation has moved here]( #### PositionalAudio [Documentation has moved here]( #### Billboard [Documentation has moved here]( #### ScreenSpace [Documentation has moved here]( #### ScreenSizer [Documentation has moved here]( #### GradientTexture [Documentation has moved here]( #### Edges [Documentation has moved here]( #### Outlines [Documentation has moved here]( #### Trail [Documentation has moved here]( #### Sampler [Documentation has moved here]( #### ComputedAttribute [Documentation has moved here]( #### Clone [Documentation has moved here]( #### useAnimations [Documentation has moved here]( #### MarchingCubes [Documentation has moved here]( #### Decal [Documentation has moved here]( #### Svg [Documentation has moved here]( #### AsciiRenderer [Documentation has moved here]( #### Splat [Documentation has moved here]( ### Shaders #### MeshReflectorMaterial [Documentation has moved here]( #### MeshWobbleMaterial [Documentation has moved here]( #### MeshDistortMaterial [Documentation has moved here]( #### MeshRefractionMaterial [Documentation has moved here]( #### MeshTransmissionMaterial [Documentation has moved here]( #### MeshDiscardMaterial [Documentation has moved here]( #### PointMaterial [Documentation has moved here]( #### SoftShadows [Documentation has moved here]( #### shaderMaterial [Documentation has moved here]( ### Modifiers #### CurveModifier [Documentation has moved here]( ### Misc #### useContextBridge [Documentation has moved here]( #### Example [Documentation has moved here]( #### Html [Documentation has moved here]( #### CycleRaycast [Documentation has moved here]( #### Select [Documentation has moved here]( #### Sprite Animator [Documentation has moved here]( #### Stats [Documentation has moved here]( #### StatsGl [Documentation has moved here]( #### Wireframe [Documentation has moved here]( #### useDepthBuffer [Documentation has moved here]( #### Fbo / useFBO [Documentation has moved here]( #### useCamera [Documentation has moved here]( #### CubeCamera / useCubeCamera [Documentation has moved here]( #### DetectGPU / useDetectGPU [Documentation has moved here]( #### useAspect [Documentation has moved here]( #### useCursor [Documentation has moved here]( #### useIntersect [Documentation has moved here]( #### useBoxProjectedEnv [Documentation has moved here]( #### Trail / useTrail [Documentation has moved here]( #### useSurfaceSampler [Documentation has moved here]( #### FaceLandmarker [Documentation has moved here]( ### Loading #### Loader [Documentation has moved here]( #### Progress / useProgress [Documentation has moved here]( #### Gltf / useGLTF [Documentation has moved here]( #### Fbx / useFBX [Documentation has moved here]( #### Texture / useTexture [Documentation has moved here]( #### Ktx2 / useKTX2 [Documentation has moved here]( #### CubeTexture / useCubeTexture [Documentation has moved here]( #### VideoTexture / useVideoTexture [Documentation has moved here]( #### TrailTexture / useTrailTexture [Documentation has moved here]( #### useFont [Documentation has moved here]( #### useSpriteLoader [Documentation has moved here]( ### Performance #### Instances [Documentation has moved here]( #### Merged [Documentation has moved here]( #### Points [Documentation has moved here]( #### Segments [Documentation has moved here]( #### Detailed [Documentation has moved here]( #### Preload [Documentation has moved here]( #### BakeShadows [Documentation has moved here]( #### meshBounds [Documentation has moved here]( #### AdaptiveDpr [Documentation has moved here]( #### AdaptiveEvents [Documentation has moved here]( #### Bvh [Documentation has moved here]( #### PerformanceMonitor [Documentation has moved here]( ### Portals #### Hud [Documentation has moved here]( #### View [Documentation has moved here]( #### RenderTexture [Documentation has moved here]( #### RenderCubeTexture [Documentation has moved here]( #### Fisheye [Documentation has moved here]( #### Mask [Documentation has moved here]( #### MeshPortalMaterial [Documentation has moved here]( ### Staging #### Center [Documentation has moved here]( #### Resize [Documentation has moved here]( #### BBAnchor [Documentation has moved here]( #### Bounds [Documentation has moved here]( #### CameraShake [Documentation has moved here]( #### Float [Documentation has moved here]( #### Stage [Documentation has moved here]( #### Backdrop [Documentation has moved here]( #### Shadow [Documentation has moved here]( #### Caustics [Documentation has moved here]( #### ContactShadows [Documentation has moved here]( #### RandomizedLight [Documentation has moved here]( #### AccumulativeShadows [Documentation has moved here]( #### SpotLight [Documentation has moved here]( #### SpotLightShadow [Documentation has moved here]( #### Environment [Documentation has moved here]( #### Lightformer [Documentation has moved here]( #### Sky [Documentation has moved here]( #### Stars [Documentation has moved here]( #### Sparkles [Documentation has moved here]( #### Cloud [Documentation has moved here]( #### useEnvironment [Documentation has moved here]( #### MatcapTexture / useMatcapTexture [Documentation has moved here]( #### NormalTexture / useNormalTexture [Documentation has moved here]( #### ShadowAlpha [Documentation has moved here](



$ corepack enable
$ yarn install




To run visual tests locally:

$ yarn build
$ yarn test

To update a snapshot:



[!IMPORTANT] Snapshots are system-dependent, so to run playwright in the same environment as the CI:

$ docker run --init --rm \
    -v $(pwd):/app -w /app \ \
      sh -c "corepack enable && yarn install && yarn build && yarn test"

To update a snapshot:

$ docker run --init --rm \
    -v $(pwd):/app -w /app \
      sh -c "corepack enable && yarn install && yarn build && yarn test"