pmndrs / react-three-lightmap

In-browser lightmap/AO baker for react-three-fiber and ThreeJS
MIT License
131 stars 8 forks source link
ambient-occlusion ao ao-baker lightmap lightmap-baker r3f react react-three-fiber threejs


In-browser lightmap and ambient occlusion (AO map) baker for react-three-fiber and ThreeJS.

example screenshot of lightmap baker output


  <mesh position={[0, 0, 0]} castShadow receiveShadow>
    <boxBufferGeometry attach="geometry" args={[3, 3, 1]} />
    <meshStandardMaterial attach="material" color="#ff6080" />

  <mesh position={[0, 0, 1.8]} castShadow receiveShadow>
    <boxBufferGeometry attach="geometry" args={[2, 2, 2]} />
    <meshStandardMaterial attach="material" color="#4080ff" />

Try it in this editable sandbox.

NOTE: actual lightmap rendering is performed on a separate hidden canvas and WebGL context. If you are consuming any context in your lightmapped content, you will need to "bridge" that context.

To track when baking is complete, provide onComplete callback to Lightmap - it will be called with the resulting texture as the first argument. The library does automatically assign that texture as the lightmap on all the baked mesh materials too.

Local Development

git clone
cd react-three-lightmap
yarn storybook



Based on original experimental implementation by @unframework.