We are living in an age where displaying math on web pages will never be hard - thanks to the great work of MathJax.
To quote the description from it's official website,
MathJax is an open source JavaScript display engine for mathematics that works in all modern browsers.
No more setup for readers. No more browser plugins. No more font installations… It just works.
Integrating MathJax into a rails project, however, could be a pain. MathJax is HUGE. It makes your project folder swollen, due to the excessive amount of files contained in this package. Including mathjax inside your developing directory makes your TextMate less responsive; when TextMate loses and then regains focus, it will scan the whole directory structure for changes.
Another problem is where to put it? public
does not seem to be the best practice, since beginning with rails 3.1 public
is by default ignored in production environment. Plus, it is big; when using git it leaves you no choice but to throw mathjax inside .gitignore, which makes sharing across developers less painless.
This is when mathjax-rails comes into play!
We maintain mathjax-rails to always use the latest version of stable MathJax releases.
To see the actual version, check the constant Mathjax::Rails::MATHJAXVERSION.
add this line to your Gemfile:
gem 'mathjax-rails'
$ bundle install
The new gem is more recently maintained.Thank you Manu S Ajith.
A Ruby gem for including mathjax for Rails 3.x or above apps
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'mathjax-rails'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install mathjax-rails
add the following to config/routes.rb (you can change the name of course):
mathjax 'mathjax'
add the script tag inside app/views/layouts/application.html.erb:
<%= mathjax_tag %>
and you're done!
To try it, write a simple formula, for example:
\[\int_a^b f(x) dx=F(b)-F(a)\]
By default, the TeX-AMS_HTML-full.js
is loaded as the configuration file.
If you do not want any configuration file to be loaded:
<%= mathjax_tag :config=>false %>
If you want to load another configuration file, say Accessible-full.js
<%= mathjax_tag :config=>'Accessible-full.js' %>
Additional configuration can be added directly before mathjax_tag, for example:
<script type="text/x-mathjax-config">
tex2jax: {
inlineMath: [ ['$','$'] ],
processEscapes: true
<%= mathjax_tag %>
For more options please consult the MathJax documentation.
Three simple things: it adds 1 controller MathjaxRailsController
; 1 helper method mathjax_tag
; 1 router method mathjax
It won't pollute your rails project more than the above three.
If you have a fast CDN service at hand, you don't need this gem.
Putting your MathJax at CDN is probably the best choice.
By dmarczal
To work in rails 3.1 on production environment wih ngnix I just comment the follow line in production.rb
#config.action_dispatch.x_sendfile_header = "X-Sendfile"
2013.11.21 Added support for Rails 4 apps.
Version 0.0.2 used to fail on Heroku. Now the problem is fixed. I used to use send_file
without content_type, which causes a failure when deployed to Heroku. Now in version 0.0.3 I use render :type=>...,
with the appropriate content-type set and the problem is solved.
git checkout -b my-new-feature
)git commit -am 'Add some feature'
)git push origin my-new-feature