pmwisdom / meteor-background-geolocation-services

Cordova Background Geolocation For Android and iOS with pure javascript callbacks
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Background Geolocation For Android and iOS with pure javascript callbacks.


This is a new background geolocation plugin that aims at getting constant location updates in the background.

Meaning if you request a location updates every 3 seconds, you will get one every 3 seconds. Mind your users battery!

I also made sure that android and iOS were exactly the same in their API, you don't need to POST for android, you use javascript callbacks for android and iOS.

This is a meteor wrapper for my background geolocation plugin:

Changelog (Cordova Plugin):


How to use:

This plugin exports an object at

//Only start if this is a cordova project
if (Meteor.isCordova) {
  //Only run commands after cordova has finished device Ready
  Meteor.startup(function() {
    //Configure Plugin
      desiredAccuracy: 5, // Desired Accuracy of the location updates (lower = more accurate).
      distanceFilter: 1, // (Meters) Distance between points aquired.
      debug: true, // Show debugging info on device.
      interval: 9000, // (Milliseconds) Requested Interval in between location updates.
      useActivityDetection: true, // Shuts off GPS when your phone is still, increasing battery life enormously

      //[Android Only Below]
      notificationTitle: 'BG Plugin', // Customize the title of the notification.
      notificationText: 'Tracking', // Customize the text of the notification.
      fastestInterval: 5000, //(Milliseconds) - Fastest interval OS will give updates.

    //Register a callback for location updates.
    //this is where location objects will be sent in the background
    BackgroundLocation.registerForLocationUpdates(function (location) {
      console.log("We got a Background Update" + JSON.stringify(location));
    }, function (err) {
      console.log("Error: Didnt get an update", err);

    //Register a callback for activity updates 
    //If you set the option useActivityDetection to true you will recieve
    //periodic activity updates, see below for more information
    BackgroundLocation.registerForActivityUpdates(function (activities) {
      console.log("We got an activity Update" + activites);
    }, function (err) {
      console.log("Error:", err);

    //Start the Background Tracker. 
    //When you enter the background tracking will start.

    ///later, to stop


Location Data:


Extra Options - These must be set before meteor.startup :