pnc-virtual-company / 2018-selection

Selection allows to select and visualize in real time the selected candidates in each batch
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Selection committee application

The Selection committee application is designed for the Selection team of Passerelles Numériques Cambodia (PNC) to facilitate the selection of new generations of students in PNC.

The project contains some useful frontend and backend libraries:

PHP requirements


If you have cloned the repository, you need an extra step to install the PHP libraries. Use composer (PHP dependencies manager) to install the libraries with this command:

composer install

Create a database named (for example) selection_committee with the collating option utf8_general_ci. Import the schema by using the SQL script selection_committee.sql provided into the sql folder. Edit the file application/config/database.php and point to your database.

The default user is admin and its password is password.

/!\ IMPORTANT: Please change the name of the session cookie by opening application/config/config.php and change the value of sess_cookie_name with the name of your application. For example:

$config['sess_cookie_name'] = 'ci_session';

Would become:

$config['sess_cookie_name'] = 'my_application_session';