pnc-virtual-company / 2019-LMSimple-Leave-Management-System

2019-LMSimple (Leave Management System)
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
0 stars 4 forks source link


The skeleton application is a starter kit for Laravel based projects developed during the Virtual Company II at PNC.


Prepare the database

Create a database (eg. skeleton) and update your local .env (for development) or config/database.php file accordingly.


Install the backend dependencies:

composer install

Install the frontend dependencies:

npm install

Build the JS and CSS bundles of the application (change for prod in production):

npm run dev

Launch the migration of the database and populate it with some random data:

php artisan migrate:fresh --seed

The application is deployed and accessible from the public subfolder (eg. http://localhost/skeleton/public/).

You might need to update config/app.php with your own encryption key.

/ ! \ Please change APP_NAME (either in .env or config/app.php) so as to avoid conflict in session name.

Default users and roles

Connect to the application as an administrator with the login and the password password. All other users are created with random emails as login but they always have the same password password.

Create your own application

You can clean the following files if you want to build your own application:

Follow a tutorial like this one:

Good luck for your project, and don't forget to update this README file :)