Welcome to pnext
. pnext
is a open open-source project (see: #org) focussed on displaying pointcloud data.
This project is organized open. All members are part of this github organization. Issue, agendas of the whole project are discussed in the issue tracker. All documents in this repository are live documents - subject to change. You a are encouraged to ask questions and suggest changes on how we do things. (We prefer a PR over a question though...)
Any PR on the organization needs to be approved by two admins (other than the person submitting the issue).
In the community we currently have two teams:
We generally recommend that any contributor with two PR's join our organization.
There has been a lot of prior work to the work, displaying pointcloud data. This project original started as fork of potree but also draws inspiration from plasio, entwine and Cesium.
All projects in this group are to be published under the BSD-Clause-2 License.