pnlbwh / diskusage-logging

Log disk usage automatically
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Whom can we blame for using all our disk space? Find out here.

Developed by Ryan Eckbo, Tashrif Billah, Isaiah Norton, and Colin Jennings

Table of Contents


git clone
cd diskusage-logging
pip install -r requirements.txt

Current diskusage-logging is on the following version of Python:

Python 3.6.10 |Anaconda, Inc.| (default, May  8 2020, 02:54:21)
[GCC 7.3.0] on linux

Package versions:



Put each file system's target directory (the one you're interested in) in a text file _config/dirs.txt, one per line. E.g.


Modify html-report-generator/ to change defaults in the html report.



# finds files greater than 300M in `<dir>`, writes csv output to `_data/logbigfiles/`
logbigfiles <dir>

# writes directory sizes in `<dir>` (default depth 3) to `_data/logdirsizes/`
logdirsizes <dir>

# calls `logdirsizes` for each directory in `_config/dirs.txt`

# prints file system usage for each directory in `_config/dirs.txt`

# writes `mydf` output to `_data/logdf/`


Each script generates a csv file when you run it, and saves it to its log directory.

logdf should be run more frequently (~daily) to get a generalized view of total disk usage trends

logdirsizesall should be run less frequently (~weekly) to get a more nuanced view of disk usage of individual directories

1. Make report

The python file html-report-generator/ generates an HTML report with detailed diskusage data.

export PATH=/path/to/miniconda3/envs/diskusage/bin/

This saves the report as _data/htmlreport/report-{directory}-{date}.html.

2. Mail report

Email a copy of the report to a list of PNL users: <partners_username1> <partners_username2> ...

3. Categorized spreadsheet

Apart from generating html summary, you can also generate a spreadsheet of size-sorted entitities. Generate and email it by running: <partners_username1> <partners_username2> ...

NOTE To integrate recipients of #2 and #3, they can be defined via a variable:

recipients="partners_username1 partners_username2 ..." $recipients $recipients

cron job scheduling

1. cron.d directory

In order to monitor diskusage every week, the above procedure is run automatically every week through cron job scheduling. Schedule the following in pnl_crontab file and place it in /etc/cron.d/ in root's cron:

# minute (0-59),
#    hour (0-23),
#       day of the month (1-31),
#          month of the year (1-12),
#             day of the week (0-6, 0=Sunday),
#               user
00 02 * * 6 tb571 /rfanfs/pnl-zorro/software/cron/
01 03 * * * tb571 /rfanfs/pnl-zorro/software/cron/

MAILTO sends all the output of cron job to the specified email address. However, mail should be set up and functional.

2. User crontab

Also, the above job can be put under a specific user's crontab:

crontab -e

However, both the above may experience permission issue of accessing some files whose size we are trying to calculate. In that case, the job can be run with administrative privilege:

sudo crontab -e


One issue that sometimes arises is when one of the directories is inaccessible via the network (for PNL, this happens when the cluster is unavailable). This can add some nonsensical data to the csvs, particularly logdf's output. If it looks like the report is missing data or incorrect in some way, check the latest csvs and make sure they are in proper format.