pnnl / OpenCGRA

OpenCGRA is an open-source framework for modeling, testing, and evaluating CGRAs.
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open-source-hardware opencgra

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OpenCGRA is a parameterizable and powerful CGRA (Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Arrays) generator to generate synthesizable Verilog for different CGRAs based on user-specified configurations (e.g., CGRA size, type of the computing units in each tile, communication connection, etc.). OpenCGRA uses modular design and standardized interfaces between modules. The configurability and extensibility are maximized by its parametrization system to fit in various research and industrial needs.


The docker image is available here.

Related publications


OpenCGRA is offered under the terms of the Open Source Initiative BSD 3-Clause License. More information about this license can be found here:


OpenCGRA requires Python3.7 (note that <2.x and >3.7 do not work for now) and has the following additional prerequisites:

The steps for installing these prerequisites and OpenCGRA on a fresh Ubuntu distribution are shown below. They have been tested with Ubuntu Trusty 14.04 ~ 20.04.

Install python3

 % sudo apt-get install python3.7

Install graphviz

 % sudo apt-get install -y graphviz

Install Verilator

Verilator is an open-source toolchain for compiling Verilog RTL models into C++ simulators. OpenCGRA uses Verilator for Verilog import.

 $ sudo apt-get install git make autoconf g++ libfl-dev bison
 $ mkdir -p ${HOME}/src
 $ cd ${HOME}/src
 $ wget
 $ tar -xzvf verilator-4.036.tgz
 $ cd verilator-4.036
 $ ./configure
 $ make
 $ sudo make install

Install git, Python headers, and libffi

We need to install the Python headers and libffi in order to be able to install the cffi Python package. cffi provides an elegant way to call C functions from Python, and PyMTL uses cffi to call C code generated by Verilator. We will use git to grab the PyMTL source. The following commands will install the appropriate packages:

 % sudo apt-get install git python-dev libffi-dev

Create virtual environment

While not strictly necessary, we strongly recommend using virtualenv to install PyMTL3 and the Python packages that PyMTL3 depends on. virtualenv enables creating isolated Python environments. The following commands will create and activate the virtual environment:

 % python3 -m venv ${HOME}/venv
 % source ${HOME}/venv/bin/activate

Install PyMTL3 and Python requirements

 % pip install git+
 % pip install --upgrade pip setuptools twine
 % pip install hypothesis
 % pip list

Clone OpenCGRA repo

We can now use git to clone the OpenCGRA repo.

 % mkdir -p ${HOME}/cgra
 % cd ${HOME}/cgra
 % git clone

Run an example to generate Verilog

In folder, just type:

 % pytest --tb=short -sv

When you're done testing/developing, you can deactivate the virtualenv::

 % deactivate