pnp / custom-learning-office-365

Microsoft Learning Pathways end user learning solution for Microsoft 365 customers.
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Microsoft 365 learning pathways

Train employees with Microsoft 365 learning pathways, a digital, customizable learning solution that helps customers transform their organization. Microsoft 365 learning pathways provides:

V5 Beta Testing

We are in process of releasing our V5 beta with some added accessibility and technology updates. We are looking for users to test the beta and provide feedback. To test the new version, follow the Update Solution and instead of the V4 package use the V5 beta sppkg file located in the beta folder. Please report any issues in the issues list and be sure to include the version number and as much details as possible so we can replicate the issue. We will be accepting feedback till July 31, 2024 and will make updates to the beta during that time.

Configuring the Custom Analytics Webhook

If you would like to test the custom analytics webhook follow the webhook configuration instructions.

Overview Video

A video was recorded during a PnP Monthly Community call and that video is available here: Community Demo - Microsoft 365 Learning Pathways Architectural Overview. It may help you gain a better understanding of what Microsoft 365 learning pathways is and how to go about using it.

In addition there is a new recording showing an overview of the V4 multilingual release available here: Microsoft 365 learning pathways v4 Feature Overview

Current Release Version

Stable Version: drop

Beta Version: drop





Updating the solution

For a list of issues/updates made in each release see the CHANGELOG.

CRITICAL: Version 4.x.x Upgrade Notice

The version 4.x.x version is a major update and includes changes to the schema as well as support for multilingual pages.

PLEASE review the content of Adding Multilingual Support to Microsoft 365 learning pathways document before proceeding.

Although it has been tested thoroughly, as with any major update you should plan for the worst and back up your content first. There are many third party solutions that will assist you with this, if you do not have access to any then the simplest method is to back up your content using Microsoft Excel. Specifically all the items in the CustomPlaylists and CustomAssets lists plus the CustomSubCategories item in the CustomConfig list. Please see Backup Playlist Content for more detail instructions.

Additional Update for CDN Url

The base CDN url of the web part has changed in version 3.x.x. For the majority of users the web part will handle this change internally, however, in some instances customers who have installed learning pathways manually between July 27, 2019 and November 4, 2019 may have an invalid CDN endpoint. If after updating to version 3.x.x the content won't load, please run the UpdateM365lpCDN.ps1 PowerShell script to correct the CDN endpoint. Even if you do not have a problem, you may optionally run this script to update to the most optimized CDN url.

The current solution is provided in it's packaged form in the web part folder customlearning.sppkg.

To validate the version of the web part installed in your tenant you must have access to the tenant-wide App Catalog. The custom learning solution will be installed there and you can verify the current version number against the version number noted above (not the version in the screen shot).

Tenant App Catalog Screenshot

If you find that your package is out of date, you can download it from this repository and then upload it into your tenant app catalog (you will need appropriate access to do this step).

To download the SPPKG file, navigate to the customlearning.sppkg file in the webpart folder of this repository. Select Download to save the file to your computer.

Download SPPKG file screenshot

Upload this file into the app catalog by selecting upload, finding the file, and then selecting Deploy.

Upload new sppkg file to tenant app catalog

Deploy package to tenant

If you've updated the package you will also want to update it in the custom learning site collection. Navigate to the site collection that is your custom learning main site, then site contents, and then click on the menu for Microsoft 365 learning pathways and select Details. (Previously called Custom Learning for Office 365)

Site Collection App Version

If your application needs to be updated in this site collection you will see that there is a new version and you can select the Get It link to update.

Update App

Finally, in your main custom learning site, navigate to the Site Pages library and to the CustomLearningAdmin.aspx page. Make sure this admin page load successfully without error. You may be prompted to complete a 'Data Upgrade' if you are updating to a new major version of the solution. Please run the update and assuming everything works as expected you would then close the update and the admin web part will load the content. If you have problems at this point, please open a new issue for assistance.

Manually installing and configuring Microsoft 365 learning pathways

To install the Learning Pathways site template previously hosted from the LookBook please follow these instructions. This tutorial will walk you through the process of creating a site collection, downloading and installing the site template. You will then need to run the M365lpConfiguration.ps1 in the installation directory to set the tenant app property. After installing the solution any future updates can be applied by following the section above for Updating the solution.

SharePoint Framework Version


The Microsoft Custom Learning Web Part is build using the SharePoint Framework. To manually install and configure the web part and site collection you will need to complete the steps outlined in the Manually installing and configuring Microsoft 365 learning pathways Instructions

Disabling telemetry collection

Microsoft collects active usage data from your organization’s use of Microsoft 365 learning pathways and the use of Microsoft’s online content. Microsoft will use this data to help improve the future Microsoft 365 learning pathways solutions. To learn more about Microsoft privacy policies see

If you would like to opt out of this data collection, please follow these instructions:

  1. Go to script M365lpConfiguration.ps1.
  2. Change the $optInTelemetry = $true command line to $false.
  3. Run the script with the change implemented.

If you are not performing a manual install and would like to turn telemetry tracking off, a separate script TelemetryOptOut.ps1 has been included that when run will disable telemetry tracking.

Changing the URL of your Microsoft 365 learning pathways site

If you need to rename the url of the main Microsoft 365 learning pathways site you can do so but it will also require you to run a PowerShell script to update the Tenant App property that controls what that site URL is for the web parts. After renaming the URL in the SharePoint Admin Center or via PowerShell additionally run teh following script to update the Tenant App property. UpdateM365lpSiteUrl.ps1


Getting Help

If you find you're having difficulty installing the solution, have found what you believe is a bug, or just have general questions please submit an issue in the repository. We try to monitor and respond to issues as fast as you can.

Issue List Etiquette

Code of Conduct

This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact with any additional questions or comments.

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