poap-xyz / poap-qr-kiosk

MVP of a QR claim code kiosk
13 stars 11 forks source link

POAP Kiosk

This is a kiosk app that displays QR codes based on a list of event codes uploaded by the event manager.

Product owner: @actualymentor

Live url: qr.poap.xyz

Dev url: https://qr-kiosk-dev.web.app/

Internal documentation

!Password vault (Engineering folder)

Table of contents


Frontend usage

  1. Clone this repo
  2. nvm use
  3. npm i
  4. Populate .env.development
  5. CHOICE MOMENT. Either:
    1. Run the firebase functions backend locally, see next section
    2. Comment out the VITE_useEmulator line in .env.development (this will make the frontend use the live backend)
  6. npm start 1 npm run cypress to run tests locally, if they all pass then your setup was successful

Backend usage

  1. cd functions
  2. nvm use
  3. npm i
  4. Populate functions/.env.development with the 1Password note [ function/.env.development ] POAP Kiosk functions
  5. npm run serve


Most of the internal and external packages we use are semver compliant. Which is major.patch.minor, which you can read as danger.attention.safe. So v1.2.5 -> v1.9.535 is sage, but v1.2.5 -> v2.0.0 is dangerous.

Minor versions are upgraded in bulk, blindly, and tested automatedly. Major versions require you to read the release notes of the dependency to check if the announced breaking changes affect us. Only after that do we upgrade and test them. Usually you can find version updates by going to the package github or searching for packge_name changelog, sometimes you need to find the CHANGELOG.md in a repo. Pay special attention to major version bumps (scroll to the part where the major version changes, don't just read the latest release notes).

Dependency bumps (frontend)

Dependency bumps (backend)

Tech stack

App code based on vite, styling based on styled-components, routing using react-router.

Backend runs on a Firebase project.

🎨 Styling loosely uses atomic design implemented with the Styled Components library. The essence of this approach is that visual components are split into categories:

Developer flow

This app follows the POAP git flow and follows the psychopath coder principle:

"Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live" ~ John Woods

To prevent the psycho from pursuing you:

  1. Write for clarity and comprehension, self documenting code does not exist
  2. Leave a "what this does" comment for every function, preferably in JSDoc
  3. Be as descriptive as possible in commits and PRs
  4. Assume the next person working on your code is much more junior than you

Setting up new Firebase projects

To configure Firebase services:

  1. Enable firestore, functions, hosting, analytics
  2. Enable app check (docs)
  3. Fill out all variables in .env from 1Password