pocession / MicroC

This repository is a code base for MicroC analysis in Musa lab
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This repository is a resource and a toolbox for microC-seq analysis.

About MicroC

Please read the original paper for the principle and details.

MicroC is a sequencing technology that captures the genomic interaction in high resolution. In theory, the resolution could reach to single nucleosome (~150 base pair). In practice, the resolution usually ranges within 1000 - 5000 bp.

The experiment material

There are multiple wasy to perfrom MicroC experiment. We have tested Dovetail MicroC kit and obtain a good result.


Please refer to the Dovetail official website to have the original protocols.

We have tested this kit for LPS-/beta-glucan-stimulated human monocytes (primary cells). To collect cells after stimulation, please add 10% FBS in PBS during all centrifugation steps.


For a step-by-step guide, please refer to Dovetail analsyis documents for more information. Alternatively, you can also check Juicebox for a more generalized pipeline.

In our bash repository, you can find example bash scripts for the pre-processing step in high-performance computation (HPC) cluster.

Analysis pipeline

We have developed a pipeline that identifies the differentially-interacted regions (DIRs) between two samples. As microC is an expensive assay, we don't do biological repeat for each condition. Instead, we set the biological covariance (BCV) as 0.4 to get the DIRs. We removed interactions with very low abudance (the last 5%) when performing the differential analysis. For more details, please see this file.

Usage of our homebrew tools in this repository

We have developed several Python and R functions for further processing microC data and the downstream analysis. To use those functions, the easiest way is to download this repoitory and unzip it.

## Use R functions
## In R studio



Example commands for our homebrew tools:

## Example
df <- GetDIRWithNoReplicate(
chr = "chr2",
treat = here::here("./Results/processing/44112_A_bg_43615_mc6contact_map_extracted.csv"),
ctrl = here::here("./Results/processing/44111_A_ctrl_43614_mc5contact_map_extracted.csv"),
bcv = 0.4,
start_position_index = here::here("./Results/processing/start_position_index.txt"),
output = NULL)
## Example
df <- annotateDIR(
input = here::here("./Results/DIR/DIR_44112_A_bg_43615_mc6contact_map_extracted.csv"),
output = NULL)