Tool to backfill thumbnail images and footprints for POCLOUD datasets
Some granules have been ingested without creating footprints/thumbnail images. The purpose of this tool is to trigger part of Cumulus workflow to generate footprints and images for granules that need it.
What it does in a nutshell
- You specify search parameters at command line (collection, start_date, end_date, footprint, image, etc)
- Backfill-Tool searches CMR for matching granules
- Backfill-Tool figures out if the granule needs a footprint or image
- If footprint or image generation is needed, Backfill-Tool creates a Cumulus message and sends it to an AWS SNS topic.
- From there, another service will run trigger Forge/TIG and update CMR with new images/footprints as needed
- Script used to scan failed workflows and get unique errors
- Takes in three arguments
- workflow_arn: arn of aws workflow
- profile_name: aws profile name credential to use
- limit: how many of latest execution to scan if not specified will go through all failed executions
- ex: python failed_workflow.py --workflow_arn arn:aws:states:us-west-2:123456:stateMachine:podaac-services-ops-hitide-backfill-forge --profile_name service_ops --limit 1000
- Script used to get messages off dead letter queue and back into regular queue
- Takes 1 argument
- config: configuration that has the aws_profile, dlq_url, and sqs_url
- ex: replay --config config.cfg
- Script to run backfill tool command on all collection that has a forge-tig configuartion file
- Script can be modify to exclude or test specific collections
- Script to run profile the memory use of lambdas, currently only tig is being profiled
- Lambdas need to be modified to include lambda request id in cloudwatch logs
- Modify script with cloudwatch lambda to profile
- Modify script to include start time and end time range where cloudwatch events were logged
ECS facility
- ECS template to start docker : ecs_cluster_instance_autoscaling_cf_template.yml.tmpl
- ECS script to execute task : task-reaper.sh
- All ECS related resources are specified in ecs_cluster.tf
- ECS is a cluster of EC2 instances. While creating the EC2 instances, a key is given to create each EC2 and the key name is specified as key_name variable within variables.tf. At this moment, the following keys are specified for each environment
- backfill-tool-sit-cluster-keypair (SIT)
- backfill-tool-uat-cluster-keypair (UAT)
- backfill-tool-ops-cluster-keypair (OPS)