Open jiyuuchc opened 2 years ago
Describe the bug
Running in the example dir crash the instance at the end of the first epoch.
This was previously reported on Colab GPU instance. But I can reproduce this on CLI too.
Running on CPU does not have this problem.
Running on eager mode with GPU does not have this problem.
Minimal code to reproduce
Expected behavior Not stuck.
Library Info CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 elegy 0.8.6
Additional context absl-py==1.2.0 aiohttp==3.8.1 aiosignal==1.2.0 async-timeout==4.0.2 attrs==22.1.0 certifi==2021.10.8 charset-normalizer==2.1.1 chex==0.1.4 click==8.1.3 cloudpickle==1.6.0 colorama==0.4.5 commonmark==0.9.1 cycler==0.11.0 datasets==2.4.0 dill== dm-tree==0.1.7 docker-pycreds==0.4.0 einops==0.4.1 elegy==0.8.6 etils==0.7.1 filelock==3.8.0 flax==0.4.2 fonttools==4.36.0 frozenlist==1.3.1 fsspec==2022.7.1 gitdb==4.0.9 GitPython==3.1.27 h5py==3.6.0 huggingface-hub==0.8.1 idna==3.3 importlib-resources==5.9.0 jax==0.3.16 jaxlib==0.3.15+cuda11.cudnn82 kiwisolver==1.4.4 matplotlib==3.5.3 msgpack==1.0.4 multidict==6.0.2 multiprocess==0.70.13 numpy==1.22.3 opt-einsum==3.3.0 optax==0.1.3 packaging==21.3 pandas==1.4.3 pathtools==0.1.2 Pillow==9.2.0 promise==2.3 protobuf==3.20.1 psutil==5.9.1 pyarrow==9.0.0 Pygments==2.13.0 pyparsing==3.0.9 python-dateutil==2.8.2 pytz==2022.2.1 PyYAML==6.0 requests==2.28.1 responses==0.18.0 rich==11.2.0 scipy==1.8.0 sentry-sdk==1.9.5 setproctitle==1.3.2 shortuuid==1.0.9 six==1.16.0 smmap==5.0.0 tensorboardX==2.5.1 toolz==0.12.0 tqdm==4.64.0 treeo==0.0.10 treex==0.6.10 typing_extensions==4.3.0 urllib3==1.26.11 wandb==0.12.21 xxhash==3.0.0 yarl==1.8.1 zipp==3.8.1
Related to #234 and #238
The cause seems to be #226
Describe the bug
Running in the example dir crash the instance at the end of the first epoch.
This was previously reported on Colab GPU instance. But I can reproduce this on CLI too.
Running on CPU does not have this problem.
Running on eager mode with GPU does not have this problem.
Minimal code to reproduce
Expected behavior Not stuck.
Library Info CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 elegy 0.8.6
Additional context absl-py==1.2.0 aiohttp==3.8.1 aiosignal==1.2.0 async-timeout==4.0.2 attrs==22.1.0 certifi==2021.10.8 charset-normalizer==2.1.1 chex==0.1.4 click==8.1.3 cloudpickle==1.6.0 colorama==0.4.5 commonmark==0.9.1 cycler==0.11.0 datasets==2.4.0 dill== dm-tree==0.1.7 docker-pycreds==0.4.0 einops==0.4.1 elegy==0.8.6 etils==0.7.1 filelock==3.8.0 flax==0.4.2 fonttools==4.36.0 frozenlist==1.3.1 fsspec==2022.7.1 gitdb==4.0.9 GitPython==3.1.27 h5py==3.6.0 huggingface-hub==0.8.1 idna==3.3 importlib-resources==5.9.0 jax==0.3.16 jaxlib==0.3.15+cuda11.cudnn82 kiwisolver==1.4.4 matplotlib==3.5.3 msgpack==1.0.4 multidict==6.0.2 multiprocess==0.70.13 numpy==1.22.3 opt-einsum==3.3.0 optax==0.1.3 packaging==21.3 pandas==1.4.3 pathtools==0.1.2 Pillow==9.2.0 promise==2.3 protobuf==3.20.1 psutil==5.9.1 pyarrow==9.0.0 Pygments==2.13.0 pyparsing==3.0.9 python-dateutil==2.8.2 pytz==2022.2.1 PyYAML==6.0 requests==2.28.1 responses==0.18.0 rich==11.2.0 scipy==1.8.0 sentry-sdk==1.9.5 setproctitle==1.3.2 shortuuid==1.0.9 six==1.16.0 smmap==5.0.0 tensorboardX==2.5.1 toolz==0.12.0 tqdm==4.64.0 treeo==0.0.10 treex==0.6.10 typing_extensions==4.3.0 urllib3==1.26.11 wandb==0.12.21 xxhash==3.0.0 yarl==1.8.1 zipp==3.8.1