poets-ai / elegy

A High Level API for Deep Learning in JAX
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A High Level API for Deep Learning in JAX

Main Features

Elegy is built on top of Treex and Treeo and reexports their APIs for convenience.

Getting Started | Examples | Documentation

What is included?

From Treex


Install using pip:

pip install elegy

For Windows users, we recommend the Windows subsystem for Linux 2 WSL2 since jax does not support it yet.

Quick Start: High-level API

Elegy's high-level API provides a straightforward interface you can use by implementing the following steps:

1. Define the architecture inside a Module:

import jax
import elegy as eg

class MLP(eg.Module):
    def __call__(self, x):
        x = eg.Linear(300)(x)
        x = jax.nn.relu(x)
        x = eg.Linear(10)(x)
        return x

2. Create a Model from this module and specify additional things like losses, metrics, and optimizers:

import optax optax
import elegy as eg

model = eg.Model(

3. Train the model using the fit method:

    validation_data=(X_test, y_test),

Using Flax

Show To use Flax with Elegy just create a `flax.linen.Module` and pass it to `Model`. ```python import jax import elegy as eg import optax optax import flax.linen as nn class MLP(nn.Module): @nn.compact def __call__(self, x, training: bool): x = nn.Dense(300)(x) x = jax.nn.relu(x) x = nn.Dense(10)(x) return x model = eg.Model( module=MLP(), loss=[ eg.losses.Crossentropy(), eg.regularizers.L2(l=1e-5), ], metrics=eg.metrics.Accuracy(), optimizer=optax.rmsprop(1e-3), ) ``` As shown here, Flax Modules can optionally request a `training` argument to `__call__` which will be provided by Elegy / Treex.

Using Haiku

Show To use Haiku with Elegy do the following: * Create a `forward` function. * Create a `TransformedWithState` object by feeding `forward` to `hk.transform_with_state`. * Pass your `TransformedWithState` to `Model`. You can also optionally create your own `hk.Module` and use it in `forward` if needed. Putting everything together should look like this: ```python import jax import elegy as eg import optax optax import haiku as hk def forward(x, training: bool): x = hk.Linear(300)(x) x = jax.nn.relu(x) x = hk.Linear(10)(x) return x model = eg.Model( module=hk.transform_with_state(forward), loss=[ eg.losses.Crossentropy(), eg.regularizers.L2(l=1e-5), ], metrics=eg.metrics.Accuracy(), optimizer=optax.rmsprop(1e-3), ) ``` As shown here, `forward` can optionally request a `training` argument which will be provided by Elegy / Treex.

Quick Start: Low-level API

Elegy's low-level API lets you explicitly define what goes on during training, testing, and inference. Let's define our own custom Model to implement a LinearClassifier with pure JAX:

1. Define a custom init_step method:

class LinearClassifier(eg.Model):
    # use treex's API to declare parameter nodes
    w: jnp.ndarray = eg.Parameter.node()
    b: jnp.ndarray = eg.Parameter.node()

    def init_step(self, key: jnp.ndarray, inputs: jnp.ndarray):
        self.w = jax.random.uniform(
            shape=[features_in, 10],
        self.b = jnp.zeros([10])

        self.optimizer = self.optimizer.init(self)

        return self

Here we declared the parameters w and b using Treex's Parameter.node() for pedagogical reasons, however normally you don't have to do this since you typically use a sub-Module instead.

2. Define a custom test_step method:

    def test_step(self, inputs, labels):
        # flatten + scale
        inputs = jnp.reshape(inputs, (inputs.shape[0], -1)) / 255

        # forward
        logits = jnp.dot(inputs, self.w) + self.b

        # crossentropy loss
        target = jax.nn.one_hot(labels["target"], 10)
        loss = optax.softmax_cross_entropy(logits, target).mean()

        # metrics
        logs = dict(
            acc=jnp.mean(jnp.argmax(logits, axis=-1) == labels["target"]),

        return loss, logs, self

3. Instantiate our LinearClassifier with an optimizer:

model = LinearClassifier(

4. Train the model using the fit method:

    validation_data=(X_test, y_test),

Using other JAX Frameworks

Show It is straightforward to integrate other functional JAX libraries with this low-level API, here is an example with Flax: ```python import elegy as eg import flax.linen as nn class LinearClassifier(eg.Model): params: Mapping[str, Any] = eg.Parameter.node() batch_stats: Mapping[str, Any] = eg.BatchStat.node() next_key: eg.KeySeq def __init__(self, module: nn.Module, **kwargs): self.flax_module = module super().__init__(**kwargs) def init_step(self, key, inputs): self.next_key = eg.KeySeq(key) variables = self.flax_module.init( {"params": self.next_key(), "dropout": self.next_key()}, x ) self.params = variables["params"] self.batch_stats = variables["batch_stats"] self.optimizer = self.optimizer.init(self.parameters()) def test_step(self, inputs, labels): # forward variables = dict( params=self.params, batch_stats=self.batch_stats, ) logits, variables = self.flax_module.apply( variables, inputs, rngs={"dropout": self.next_key()}, mutable=True, ) self.batch_stats = variables["batch_stats"] # loss target = jax.nn.one_hot(labels["target"], 10) loss = optax.softmax_cross_entropy(logits, target).mean() # logs logs = dict( accuracy=accuracy, loss=loss, ) return loss, logs, self ```


Check out the /example directory for some inspiration. To run an example, first install some requirements:

pip install -r examples/requirements.txt

And the run it normally with python e.g.

python examples/flax/mnist_vae.py


If your are interested in helping improve Elegy check out the Contributing Guide.

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Citing Elegy


    title        = {Elegy: A High Level API for Deep Learning in JAX},
    author       = {PoetsAI},
    year         = 2021,
    url          = {https://github.com/poets-ai/elegy},
    version      = {0.8.1}