poggit-orphanage / PureChat

Provides custom chat formats based on PurePerms groups for your server.
GNU General Public License v3.0
4 stars 41 forks source link

Provides custom chat formats based on PurePerms groups for your server.


It's time for everyone to use alternatives as PurePerms & PureChat is outdated in a sense of the features itself and the functionality. The official alternatives that are actually better than PurePerms and PureChat are the following: GroupsAPI & RankSystem


Command Description Permission
/setsuffix <player> <suffix> Set a players suffix. pchat.command.setsuffix
/setprefix <player> <prefix> Set a players prefix pchat.command.setprefix
/setnametag <group> <world> <format> Set the default nametag of a group pchat.command.setnametag
/setformat <group> <world> <format> Set default chat format pchat.command.setformat


Why can't players have coloured chat?

You need to set 'pchat.coloredMessages' permission for the players if you want to allow them to use colored messages

What are the colour codes to use, and where should I put them?

See the available colour codes listed in the Config. Do not use colour codes in PurePerms groups directly, use PureChat config instead.
