pogobanane / hosthog

announce which resources you need on collaboratively used linux hosts
MIT License
4 stars 0 forks source link

🦔 hosthog

Announce which resources you need on collaboratively used linux hosts. Keep other processes away while you have an exclusive lock on the host.

Usage: hosthog [COMMAND]

  status   show current claims
  claim    Claim a resource. Fails if already claimed exclusively
  release  prematurely release a claim (removes all of your hogs and exclusive claims)
  hog      Hog the entire host (others will hate you)
  post     post a message to all logged in users
  users    List all logged in users
  help     Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -h, --help     Print help information
  -V, --version  Print version information


sudo hosthog claim --exclusive 15min some benchmarks
sudo hosthog hog

For 15 minutes other users will be locked out from ssh and tasks scheduled by systemd are paused.

Implementation status


Optional, but recommended dependencies: at (needed to remove claims on timeout)

User-local installation via cargo: cargo install --path .

Or run it from within a nix shell: nix shell github:pogobanane/hosthog#default (timeouts won't work)