pogorely / ALICE

Detecting TCR involved in immune responses from single RepSeq datasets
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Detecting TCR involved in immune responses from single RepSeq datasets.


Here we provide an R implementation of ALICE approach, see paper for details.

Software requirements

Any OS where R is available (Linux, OS X, Windows), however parallel computing is currently not available on Windows.


  1. Install R distribution of choice (i.e. from R Core team, or Microsoft R Open )
  2. Install BioStrings package from bioconductor: open R console and execute following commands:
  3. Install data.table, stringdist, igraph packages:
  4. Download this github repository.

Quick start

Lets load some data first and organize it to the list.

This is one VJ combination (TRBV9-TRBJ2-7) from S1 donor from link on day 0 and day 15 after yellow fever immunization.


Now lets run ALICE pipeline. Note, that algorithm will create a folder for files produced, if it does not exist:

S1_alice<-ALICE_pipeline(DTlist=S1,folder="S1_res",cores=1,iter=10,nrec=5e5) #this takes few minutes to run

For this VJ-combination we have no significant results in day 0 timepoint, and 34 significant hits in day 15 timepoint.

Note, that for demo purposes we run it on 1 core with 10 iterations (0.5 mln sequences in each iteration) for generative probability estimation simulation. Total number of simulated TCR sequences (both inframe and out-of-frame) in this case is 5 million.

In paper we used 100 mln simulated sequences for each VJ-class, and this takes a lot of time. Datasets from the paper are available here.

Additional parameters

Read_count_filter(default 0) and Read_count_neighbour(default 1) parameters are two conceptually different count threshold for clones considered by the algorithm.

Algorithm discards all clones with count Read_count_filter or less prior to analysis, and it does not consider as neighbours clone with count Read_count_neighbour or less (but such clones are not discarded, so if they have a lot of high count neighbours, it could be significant hit).

qL(default is FALSE) uses different selection factor for different lengths instead of universal selection factor.

cor_method (default "BH") specifies multiple testing correction method supplied to p.adjust function from stats package. P_thres (default 0.001) determines p-value threshold after correction.

Input file format

Algorithm operates on R data.table with following mandatory columns:

CDR3.amino.acid.sequence, bestVGene, bestJGene, Read.count.

See sample datasets in sample folder.

There is a pipeline to import data in immunoSEQ format. It imports all files in given folder with counts larger than Read_thres, and also identifies CDR3nt and collapses clones with unique CDR3nt+V+J. immunoSEQ data with short reads do not contain complete CDR3nt sequence. For such data specify trim parameter (for reads of length 60 typically trim=3), in this case algorithm will identified CDR3nt trimmed from J side by certain number of amino acids.


(Experimental) Using pipeline with OLGA for Pgen estimation

Install OLGA first (see OLGA github for details).

ALICE will call OLGA in background. Multi-core usage is not available on Windows.


#import data



For this VJ-combination we have 0 significant results at the day 0 timepoint, and 32 significant hits at the day 15 timepoint.

Note: On Rstudio server environments with limited write access you may need to install OLGA using the --user command:

git clone <OLGA>
python setup.py install --user

This installs olga-compute_pgen and olga-generate_sequences to ~/Username/.local/bin, so this must be added to you PATH within your .Rprofile file: Sys.setenv(PATH="/Username/.local/bin:usr/bin")

Remember to then reload your .Rprofile using 'source(".Rprofile")'