Pointless 0.1.0 brings a number of changes from the initial release, informed by feedback and experience. The latest implementation of Pointless is interpreted, rather than compiled, and is written in Dart. This move marks a deemphasis on performance with a focus instead on improved language design and faster development. It's my hope that the new Dart-based implementation will make Pointless easier for others to install, use, and modify.
You can try Pointless online without installing.
To install Pointless locally, you'll need to have Git installed to clone the repository, as well as the Dart SDK.
Installing on Linux, Mac and Windows (PowerShell):
Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/pointless-lang/pointless.git
Enter the repo directory
cd pointless
Download Dart dependencies:
pub get
You can now run the Pointless repl using:
dart lib/pointless.dart
or supply a path to a file to run; for example:
dart lib/pointless.dart examples/beer/beer.ptls
(for repl readline support, try rlwrap)
Compiling the interpreter avoids the startup overhead of the Dart VM.
After performing the steps above:
Linux and Mac:
Run the following commands in the repository root (generates ./bin/pointless):
dart2native lib/pointless.dart -o bin/pointless
Alternatively, using Make, simply run:
Now you can run Pointless like this:
bin/pointless examples/beer/beer.ptls
Run the following commands in the repository root (generates ./bin/pointless.exe):
dart2native lib/pointless.dart -o bin/pointless.exe
Now you can run Pointless like this:
bin/pointless.exe examples/beer/beer.ptls
Contributions are welcome!