pointrix-project / msplat

A modular differential gaussian rasterization library.
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MSplat is a modular differential gaussian rasterization library. We have refactored the original repository for easier understanding and extension.

What's new:

How to install

git clone https://github.com/pointrix-project/msplat.git --recursive
cd msplat
pip install .

Camera Model

We use a pinhole camera model:


$$d\begin{bmatrix} u \ v \ 1 \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} f_x & 0 & c_x \ 0 & f_y & cy \ 0 & 0 & 1 \ \end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix} r{11} & r{12} & r{13} & t1 \ r{21} & r{22} & r{23} & t2 \ r{31} & r{32} & r{33} & t_3 \ \end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix} X \ Y \ Z \ 1 \end{bmatrix}$$

In our API, you need to provide the camera parameters in the following format:

Optimization on Camera

It hasn't been validated too much. Since a camera is involved in the optimization of many 3D Gaussian points, the gradient of the camera is accumulating, potentially leading to numerical issues.

High-level SH

We have upgraded the level of the Spherical Harmonics (SH) from the original 3 to 10.

Extensiable features

We abstract concepts such as RGB, depth, etc. to features and enable feature rendering for any channels. As a result, we easily render rgb map, depth map and orther feature maps without the need to modify and recompile the kernel.

More easy to understand

We break the heavy and confusing kernel to clear and easy-understant parts, which is more friendly for beginers. You can invoke the renderer with a single line of command, or you can break it down into steps.

import torch
import gs

# the inputs
H: int = ... # image height
W: int = ... # image width
intr: torch.Tensor = ... # [4,], (fx, fy, cx, cy) in pixels
extr: torch.Tensor = ... # [4, 4], camera extrinsics in OpenCV convention.
xyzs: torch.Tensor = ... # [N, 3], Gaussian centers
feats: torch.Tensor = ... # [N, C], Gaussian RGB features (or any other features with arbitrary channels!)
opacity: torch.Tensor = ... # [N, 1], Gaussian opacity
scales: torch.Tensor = ... # [N, 3], Gaussian scales
rotations: torch.Tensor = ... # [N, 4], Gaussian rotations in quaternion
bg: float = 0 # scalar, background for rendered feature maps

# =================== one-line interface =================== 
rendered_image = gs.rasterization(
    xyzs, scales, rotations, opacity, feats, intr, extr, W, H, bg
) # [C, H, W]

# =================== steps interface =================== 
# project points
(uv, depth) = gs.project_point(xyzs, intr, extr, W, H)
visible = depth != 0

# compute cov3d
cov3d = gs.compute_cov3d(scales, rotations, visible)

# ewa project
(conic, radius, tiles_touched) = gs.ewa_project(
    xyzs, cov3d, intr, extr, uv, W, H, visible

# sort
(gaussian_ids_sorted, tile_range) = gs.sort_gaussian(
    uv, depth, W, H, radius, tiles_touched

# alpha blending
rendered_image = gs.alpha_blending(
    uv, conic, opacity, rgbs, gaussian_ids_sorted, tile_range, bg, W, H,


We express our sincerest appreciation to the developers and contributors of the following projects:

If you find that 3D gaussian splatting implemetation in our project helpful, please consider to cite:

      author       = {Kerbl, Bernhard and Kopanas, Georgios and Leimk{\"u}hler, Thomas and Drettakis, George},
      title        = {3D Gaussian Splatting for Real-Time Radiance Field Rendering},
      journal      = {ACM Transactions on Graphics},
      number       = {4},
      volume       = {42},
      month        = {July},
      year         = {2023},
      url          = {https://repo-sam.inria.fr/fungraph/3d-gaussian-splatting/}