poise / poise-python

A Chef cookbook to provide a unified interface for installing Python, managing Python packages, and creating virtualenvs.
Apache License 2.0
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Poise-Python Cookbook

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A Chef cookbook to provide a unified interface for installing Python, managing Python packages, and creating virtualenvs.

Quick Start

To install the latest available version of Python 2 and then use it to create a virtualenv and install some packages:

python_runtime '2'

python_virtualenv '/opt/myapp/.env'

python_package 'Django' do
  version '1.8'

pip_requirements '/opt/myapp/requirements.txt'

Installing a Package From a URI

While using python_package 'git+https://github.com/example/mypackage.git' will sometimes work, this approach is not recommended. Unfortunately pip's support for installing directly from URI sources is limited and cannot support the API used for the python_package resource. You can run the install either directly from the URI or through an intermediary git resource:

# Will re-install on every converge unless you add a not_if/only_if.
python_execute '-m pip install git+https://github.com/example/mypackage.git'

# Will only re-install when the git repository updates.
python_execute 'install mypackage' do
  action :nothing
  command '-m pip install .'
  cwd '/opt/mypackage'
git '/opt/mypackage' do
  repository 'https://github.com/example/mypackage.git'
  notifies :run, 'python_execute[install mypackage]', :immediately

Supported Python Versions

This cookbook can install at least Python 2.7, Python 3, and PyPy on all supported platforms (Debian, Ubuntu, RHEL, CentOS, Fedora).

Windows Support

The latest version of poise-python includes basic support for managing Python on Windows. This currently doesn't support Python 3.5, but everything should be working. Consider this support tested but experimental at this time.


Chef 12.1 or newer is required.


Attributes are used to configure the default recipe.



The default recipe installs Python 2, 3, and/or PyPy based on the node attributes. It is entirely optional and can be ignored in favor of direct use of the python_runtime resource.



The python_runtime resource installs a Python interpreter.

python_runtime '2'



Provider Options

The poise-python library offers an additional way to pass configuration information to the final provider called "options". Options are key/value pairs that are passed down to the python_runtime provider and can be used to control how it installs Python. These can be set in the python_runtime resource using the options method, in node attributes or via the python_runtime_options resource. The options from all sources are merged together in to a single hash.

When setting options in the resource you can either set them for all providers:

python_runtime 'myapp' do
  version '2.7'
  options pip_version: false

or for a single provider:

python_runtime 'myapp' do
  version '2.7'
  options :system, dev_package: false

Setting via node attributes is generally how an end-user or application cookbook will set options to customize installations in the library cookbooks they are using. You can set options for all installations or for a single runtime:

# Global, for all installations.
override['poise-python']['options']['pip_version'] = false
# Single installation.
override['poise-python']['myapp']['version'] = 'pypy'

The python_runtime_options resource is also available to set node attributes for a specific installation in a DSL-friendly way:

python_runtime_options 'myapp' do
  version '3'

Unlike resource attributes, provider options can be different for each provider. Not all providers support the same options so make sure to the check the documentation for each provider to see what options the use.


The python_runtime_options resource allows setting provider options in a DSL-friendly way. See the Provider Options section for more information about provider options overall.

python_runtime_options 'myapp' do
  version '3'



All other attribute keys will be used as options data.


The python_execute resource executes a Python script using the configured runtime.

python_execute 'myapp.py' do
  user 'myuser'

This uses the built-in execute resource and supports all the same properties.



For other properties see the Chef documentation.


The python_package resource installs Python packages using pip.

python_package 'Django' do
  version '1.8'

This uses the built-in package resource and supports the same actions and properties. Multi-package installs are supported using the standard syntax.


The :purge and :reconfigure actions are not supported.


For other properties see the Chef documentation. The response_file, response_file_variables, and source properties are not supported.


The python_virtualenv resource creates Python virtual environments.

python_virtualenv '/opt/myapp'

This will use the venv module if available, or virtualenv otherwise.




The pip_requirements resource installs packages based on a requirements.txt file.

pip_requirements '/opt/myapp/requirements.txt'

The underlying pip install command will run on every converge, but notifications will only be triggered if a package is actually installed.



Python Providers

Common Options

These provider options are supported by all providers.


The system provider installs Python using system packages. This is currently only tested on platforms using apt-get and yum (Debian, Ubuntu, RHEL, CentOS Amazon Linux, and Fedora) and is a default provider on those platforms. It may work on other platforms but is untested.

python_runtime 'myapp' do
  provider :system
  version '2.7'



The scl provider installs Python using the Software Collections packages. This is only available on RHEL, CentOS, and Fedora. SCL offers more recent versions of Python than the system packages for the most part. If an SCL package exists for the requested version, it will be used in preference to the system provider.

python_runtime 'myapp' do
  provider :scl
  version '3.4'


The portable_pypy provider installs Python using the Portable PyPy packages. These are only available for Linux, but should work on any Linux OS.

python_runtime 'myapp' do
  provider :portable_pypy
  version 'pypy'


The portable_pypy3 provider installs Python 3 using the Portable PyPy packages. These are only available for Linux, but should work on any Linux OS.

python_runtime 'myapp' do
  provider :portable_pypy3
  version 'pypy3'



Coming soon!


Coming soon!

Upgrading from the python Cookbook

The older python cookbook is not directly compatible with this one, but the broad strokes overlap well. The python::default recipe is roughly equivalent to the poise-python::default recipe. The python::pip and python::virtualenv recipes are no longer needed as installing those things is now part of the python_runtime resource. The python::package recipe corresponds with the system provider for the python_runtime resource, and can generally be replaced with poise-python::default. At this time there is no provider to install from source so there is no replacement for the python::source recipe, however this is planned for the future via a python-build provider.

The python_pip resource can be replaced with python_package, though the environment property has been removed. The python_virtualenv resource can remain unchanged except for the interpreter property now being python and the options property has been removed.


Development sponsored by Bloomberg.

The Poise test server infrastructure is sponsored by Rackspace.


Copyright 2015-2017, Noah Kantrowitz

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.