pokusio / le-defi

Does the any opensource blockchain exists ? I dare anyone in this world to prove it. If you have any, open an issue.
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Le Défi (I dare anyone in the world)

Important Update : As you will see on issue numer 3 in this repo, One person took the challenge, and I thank him very much for that, also of course will test out everything, and obviously quotie him and thank him about it!

Does the blockchain exists ?

This is a question that rose, recently. Indeed, I am a curious an by nature, and I dare anyone in this world, to bring in any proof, that there exists any open source blockchain technology, anywhere, in this world.

So I dare you, to open an issue on this repo, and bring in a proof.

The conditions for a proof to be accepted :

Today, in 2020, if you say you are the author or even contributor, to any open source blockchain project, and at the same time, say that it is too much work, to automate its installation and build from source, I say you are a liar.

And since the discussions with the people I cross roads with, on the Blockchain subject, keeps being just youtube beer non-sense, I decided to open this repo, where I challenge anyone in this world, to give a proof, that there exist any open source blockchain project in this world (whose name does not start with the b letter).

And until anyone in this world gives a proof, I will make every engineer, in every bar, and in every conference room in this world, admit he does not have any proof, of the existence of any free open source blockchain project :

Either he admits it, or he opens an issue on this repo, and give the proof. Or he can keep saying things, and let all of his friends, weeks after week, witness that he never opened any issue, and did not give any proof.

Also, I will explain to all of those interested in the subject, that obviously, if such a project actually existed, it would take just five seconds to any engineer in this world to bring in a proof :

How to defeat me

Open an issue, and give the link to a publicly available two automated recipes :

The broken list

Finally, I will not just wait for a proof :

Because I think it is the least we can do, to have a scientific proof of anything we state to people who pay, and trust us, engineers.

The broken list board

To make the challenge more exicting, I will hit a lot of projects whose name start with the b letter, so that none of them escape the challenge. My current work is on bitcoin https://github.com/pokusio/le-defi/issues/1