pokusio / playwright-first-try

A first try with https://playwright.dev/
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🌼 🌼 🌼 The Election control Experiment 🌼 🌼 🌼

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This repo is about trying to use the playwright test tool,; as a very interesting alternative to Cypress.

First try

Playwright is a product which consists of two main parts :

Using the Playwright test runner

Following: https://playwright.dev/docs/intro

See the parts/using/the_test_runner folder Folder for the study of the test runner.

Using the Playwright Library

Following: https://playwright.dev/docs/intro

See the parts/using/the_library folder Folder for the study of the test runner.


Git flow initialization

export WHERE_I_WORK=$(mktemp -d -t "tmp_WHERE_I_WORK_XXXXXX")

git clone git@github.com:pokusio/playwright-first-try.git ${WHERE_I_WORK}


touch README.md
atom .

git add -A && git commit -m "git flow init: first commit on master" && git push -u origin master

git flow init --defaults && git push -u origin  --all

git flow feature start init_src && git push -u origin HEAD

export COMMIT_MESSAGE="adding daisy ui framework, and a first daisy ui component"

git add -A && git commit -m "${COMMIT_MESSAGE}" && git push -u origin HEAD