polifonia-project / KG_data_transformation

Script and services to extract data from raw files JSON,csv,tsv and create Polifonia KG
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Polifonia KG transformations

Script and services to extract data from raw files JSON, csv, tsv and create Polifonia KG.

In this repository we collect datasets and data populating polifonia KG.

Data are modelled according to the Polifonia Ontology Network

Latest version of the Polifonia KG deployable with docker is available.


Data populating the KG are:


Transformation producing RDF are:


To create a transformation for new data create a folder with following tree at the root of this project.

    | _ data
    |   |_ mydata.{csv,json,...}
    | _ kg
    |   |_ my-transformation-kg-latest.ttl
    | - queries
        |_ my-transformation-latest.sparql

Be sure that at least a {my-transformation}-latest.ttl and {my-ouput-kg}-latest.ttl is presented at the specified paths. Polifonia KG Sparql Endpoint will point to these locations while harvesting data.


You can manually test latest versions of KG if you have kgdd installed with following commands:

kgdd -t ./places_etl/kg/test/testbed-latest.json -f ./places_etl/kg/polifonia-kg-places-latest.ttl

kgdd -t ./harmonic_sim_etl/kg/test/testbed-latest.json -f ./harmonic_sim_etl/kg/polifonia-kg-harmonic-sim-latest.ttl