With: Angelo Pompilio, Paul Mulholland, Francesco Baldi, Christian Colonna, Philo van Kemenade
Goal (from Story) \
Carolina has to prepare a conference for the anniversary of the birth of the composer Giacomo Antonio Perti and she needs to collect some information about his career. She knows that Giacomo Antonio Perti is the author of “Masses” and she wants to dedicate a particular section to these compositions.
In order to accomplish her goal first Carolina must find the scores that constitute her primary sources. Thus, Carolina should find the places where these compositions were played for the first time how many musicians were involved, how many musical instruments, the names of the musicians. Carolina is also interested in the singers involved and the choir. Carolina has to find written evidence that says how these Masses were received. Carolina is also interested in finding out in which tonality the compositions were written.
Extended User flow
Carolina searches for scores by the composer Giacomo Antonio Perti. Results can come back from different countries and archives. The provenance of each returned result is shown (i.e. which repository it came from).
Possible Filters:
Author: “Giacomo Antonio Perti”
Dates / years
Of physical object
Of publication
Type of document, e.g.
Representation of music
musical score
Musical part(s) (one part per instrument)
modern edition of the same piece
Digital reproduction
Is complete or not?
Viewable online?
Available download
Resolution / quality: not very important
Associated external sources
Modern edition(s) of the same score
“There are probably many editions of the same source”
Carolina has found a number of Musical Scores
Next she reads and reviews
How does she know which archive to go to?
Maybe she has done some musicological studies
Can she go to a website?
There is currently no online catalogue, she has to go to Bologna
Carolina is having a hard time during the pandemic
“Scores are in libraries, Contracts are in archives. Now it is necessary to use separate archival systems”
Different Metadata systems:
Libraries; ESBD (books)
Archives; Folders in archive, administration point of view (each institution have an history with its kind of documents e.g. theatre, compositions played in the theatre)
Museums; iconographic materials
Dublin Core; common data between library, archive (mostly) and museum (less) (creator, title, description (not necessary for historian source)), but DC is too generic for Carolina’s needs.
Carolina needs to have knowledge about the specific metadata system of a particular archive.
Archive documents can be used to find the names of musicians and when played
Archive documents
Records of contracts between theatres and musicians (salary or payment to musician)
“Masses” by Perti are a series of 10 compositions.
All 10 compositions
Multiple performances of multiple compositions in a specific period of time
(evidence of) Reception of performances
E.g. from:
(16-18 century) Archive documents (no comments on quality of performance in this period, so quantity of performances is essential information proxy for ‘reception’, big city/little city, how many time played in the same town)
Contracts, payments (names of musicians), (few document) chronicle of the performance (printed manuscript to describe event, e.g. document family history like high profile marriage -> indicative of fashion)
(from 19th century) Periodicals reviews (first time that “real reviews” are available)
Carolina still uses other types of archival documents (“material” situation) as well
Authors of reviews
Are considered experts
Sometimes periodical publisher (and reviewer) is same publisher as the score and vocal score
Story: Carolina - Sources Cross Analysis
Story: Carolina - Sources Cross Analysis
With: Angelo Pompilio, Paul Mulholland, Francesco Baldi, Christian Colonna, Philo van Kemenade
Goal (from Story) \ Carolina has to prepare a conference for the anniversary of the birth of the composer Giacomo Antonio Perti and she needs to collect some information about his career. She knows that Giacomo Antonio Perti is the author of “Masses” and she wants to dedicate a particular section to these compositions.
Scenario (from Story)
In order to accomplish her goal first Carolina must find the scores that constitute her primary sources. Thus, Carolina should find the places where these compositions were played for the first time how many musicians were involved, how many musical instruments, the names of the musicians. Carolina is also interested in the singers involved and the choir. Carolina has to find written evidence that says how these Masses were received. Carolina is also interested in finding out in which tonality the compositions were written.
Extended User flow
Carolina searches for scores by the composer Giacomo Antonio Perti. Results can come back from different countries and archives. The provenance of each returned result is shown (i.e. which repository it came from).
Possible Filters:
Carolina has found a number of Musical Scores
“Scores are in libraries, Contracts are in archives. Now it is necessary to use separate archival systems”
Different Metadata systems:
Carolina needs to have knowledge about the specific metadata system of a particular archive.
Archive documents can be used to find the names of musicians and when played
“Masses” by Perti are a series of 10 compositions.