polifonia-project / stories

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Polifonia Stories

This is a shared common space to share stories for the Polifonia project. A story is a template for collecting requirements.

A story is composed of:

How to create a story

There is one folder for each Persona, named with the name of the Persona and their primary occupation.

  1. Check all existing Personas (there is one subfolder for each Persona in the "stories" folder), in order to see if there is already the Persona you need for your story. You will find a readme file in each folder, describing the Persona.
  2. If you find a Persona that suits you, create a new file in the respective folder, named Name-of-the-persona#progressive-number_KeywordRepresentingTheMainGoal.md, and fill the file with your story, following this example.
  3. If not, create a new folder, named Name-of-the-persona: Primary Occupation. If the persona has more than one role, use the primary role for naming the folder. Then, create a readme file (readme.md) describing the persona (see this example), and then a file with your story as this example.
  4. Besides providing information about the four components of the story, you should additionally fill in a table with this information:
    • ID (Name-of-the-persona#progressive-number_KeywordRepresentingTheMainGoal)
    • Persona (name of the persona)
    • Keywords (representing their goals)
    • WP (WPs involved in the story)
    • Pilots (pilots involved in the story)
    • Priority based on a “wow” scale, reflecting the impact that would be achieved by addressing the story, choosing from:
    • must have (i.e. it is something that is already supported in other systems, it is state of the art)
    • life improver (i.e. I would be able to make the same discovery/work in significant less time)
    • life changer (i.e. I would be able to make discoveries/works that now cannot be done or are extremely hard to do)
    • breakthrough (i.e. this would be a breakthrough in my field)
  5. After completing your story, you should update the "List of personas" and/or the "List of stories" in this README.md file.
    • If you created a new Persona: add to "List of personas" the name of the folder, and a link to the folder, following the examples. Then, add to "List of stories" the name of the story you created, and a link to the file.
    • If you reused an existing Persona for your story: add to "List of stories" the name of the story you created, and a link to the file.

List of personas

List of stories

Useful links

GitHub guides: