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Maninpasta minutes: OntologyDesign#1 #7

Open albertmeronyo opened 3 years ago

albertmeronyo commented 3 years ago

Issue to discuss progress in OntologyDesign#1, focusing on ontologies to describe modes and modal analysis

mwigham commented 3 years ago

Concepts collected in this document

albertmeronyo commented 3 years ago

OntologyDesign#1 drafting

Relevant concepts in the CQs of Sethus

“Scale” discussion:



Scope question (for later):

Relevant ontologies:

Next steps:

albertmeronyo commented 3 years ago

2nd maninpasta: Marco's work on requirements for a Modal Ontology https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1odOcpU8E7eFmCyhcgy-uLMqMGzwC6h_ned0Rfex2Xx0/edit#gid=0

albertmeronyo commented 3 years ago

2nd maninpasta: we came up with a graffoo diagram for an ontology of musical theories for analysis (also at the SharePoint > Maninpasta > Sethus)


albertmeronyo commented 3 years ago

Session 14-05-2021: Absolutely brilliant first draft for a modal tonal ontology by Christophe and Marco at https://github.com/guillotel-nothmann/modal-tonal-ontology/tree/main/historicalModels

Instances of the ontology will typically (but not always) be segments/fragments pointing at some section of an MEI document

AP: discuss ontology engineering issues around this draft in the OntologyDesign working sessions

albertmeronyo commented 3 years ago

The ontology is an interpretation of the Michael Praetorius book http://diglib.hab.de/drucke/1-1-musica-3s/start.htm?image=0053 It's digitised at Huma at http://tmg.huma-num.fr/xtf/view?docId=tei/Praetorius%201619/Praetorius%201619.xml;chunk.id=div_2_3_6;toc.depth=1;toc.id=div_2_3;brand=default#X Christophe has an article about it at https://www.gmth.de/zeitschrift/artikel/1073.aspx

Ontology contains provenance links to sections of the book that were used to model concepts

albertmeronyo commented 3 years ago

Challenge: distinction between classes and individuals (instances)

albertmeronyo commented 3 years ago

Documenting classes and relations

Pointer to W3C PROV: idea of "trusted ontology engineering" with full provenance traces of decisions made during conceptualisation

albertmeronyo commented 3 years ago

Pointer to https://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-schema/ Container Classes to model multiple interpretations over the source, possibly with order