polisquad / mpi-project

Implementation of the K-means algorithm with OpenMP and MPI
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Implement the k-means clustering algorithm in OpenMP/MPI, trying to maximize the performance (reduce the execution time) by carefully exploiting the resources within one computing node with multiple processing cores (OpenMP) and across computing nodes (MPI).

Optional: implement the same algorithm in Apache Flink and compare the performance of the two implementations (processing time and scalability) under various workloads.


$ bin/mpi-project --help

Usage: mpi-project [input] [output] [options]

  --output {filename}       overrides output file
  --num-clusters {num}      sets number of clusters (default: 5)
  --init-method {method}    cluster initialization method ('random' or 'furthest', default: 'random')
  --num-epochs {num}        maximum number of epochs to simulate (default: 100)
  --gen-num {num}           if no input is specified, number of data points to generate (default: 1024)
  --gen-dim {num}           if no input is specified, dimension of the generated data (default: 2)


The outline of the k-means algorithm is reported here:

    init MPI
    read command line arguments
    *read/generate dataset
    scatter dataset

    compute initial clusters
        broadcast current global clusters
            for each local point:
                find closest cluster
                add weight to closest cluster
                set point membership
        gather remote clusters
        *compute current global cluster
    gather memberships

    [*write output file]
    shutdown MPI

steps with * are processed only by the root node

Where to extract parallelism?

We used MPI, OpenMP and vectorization to extract parallelism at different levels:

Design choices
