politie / sherlock

A reactive programming library for JavaScript applications, built with TypeScript.
Apache License 2.0
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A reactive programming library for JavaScript applications, built with TypeScript.


I'm Sherlock, the world's best deduction expert.

I'm not going to go into detail about how I do what I do because chances are you wouldn't understand.

This is what I do:

  1. I observe mutable state (Atoms)
  2. From what I observe, I deduce everything else. (Derivations)
  3. I don't glitch, my deductions are always correct and up to date, and I'm really fast!

[Adapted from The Science of Deduction]

Special thanks to @ds300 for creating derivablejs which was the main inspiration for Sherlock. Sherlock was originally designed to be API compatible with derivablejs, but has been rewritten from the ground up (in TypeScript) to address a number of fundamental issues that prevented its use in our projects. See Differences with derivablejs for more information.


Application state

Sherlock Holmes, the fictional consulting detective, is known for his power of deduction. The Sherlock library applies the power of deduction to application state. This is best explained using a small example. Let's say we're developing an eBook reader (to read about Sherlock Holmes of course). Our naive version is as follow:

/** Calculates an array of pages (['Title page...', 'page 1...', ...]). */
function calculatePages(book: Book, fontsize: number): string[] { /* secret internal code. ;-) */ }

// Initialisation:
let currentBook: Book = ...; // magically appears
let currentFontSize = 12;
let currentPageNumber = 0;
let currentPages = calculatePages(currentBook, currentFontSize);
let currentPage = currentPages[currentPageNumber];


function selectPage(pageNr: number) {
    currentPageNumber = pageNr;
    currentPage = currentPages[currentPageNumber];

function selectFontSize(newSize: number) {
    currentFontSize = newSize;
    currentPages = calculatePages(book, currentFontSize);
    currentPage = currentPages[currentPageNumber];

Here we can observe two kinds of variables. The first kind contains the real mutable state of the application, that is:

The rest of the variables is derived state:

The derived state can be derived from the real state. As you can see in this example, we need to make sure to always update the derived state whenever the real state changes. If, for example, we forget to update currentPages after changing currentFontSize we end up with an invalid state.

Another way to explain the difference between real state and derived state is to look at the way a spreadsheet works. Any cell in a spreadsheet that contains a value contains real state, any cell that contains a formula contains derived state. A spreadsheet is very powerful like that because it automatically updates formula-cells whenever needed. Wouldn't it be nice to have that power in our code as well?

Another thing we can see in the eBook code is that this magic updateScreen function needs to be called whenever currentPage changes.

The power of deduction

The idea behind Sherlock (and other reactive libraries) is to make all derivations (i.e. calculating derived state) and reactions (calling some function whenever something changes) explicit and automatic.

All real state is put in so-called Atoms, all other state is derived. An Atom has a #get and a #set method to access or change its state. Using Sherlock, the code could look as follows (the dollar-suffix is a syntactic indication that a variable has been "sherlocked", i.e. that a variable is derivable):

/** same as before */
function calculatePages(book: Book, fontsize: number): string[] { /* secret internal code. ;-) */ }

// Initialisation:
let currentBook$: Atom<Book> = ...; // magically appears
let currentFontSize$ = atom(12);
let currentPageNumber$ = atom(0);

// We simply use a lambda function to define currentPage$ as a derivation of currentBook$
// and currentFontSize$ using calculatePages. Sherlock automatically records all dependencies.
let currentPages$ = derivation(() => calculatePages(currentBook$.get(), currentFontSize$.get()));

// currentPage$ is always equal to the element in currentPages$ at position currentPageNumber$.
let currentPage$ = currentPages$.pluck(currentPageNumber$);

// Automatically call updateScreen whenever neccessary.
currentPage$.react(() => updateScreen());

function selectPage(pageNr: number) {

function selectFontSize(newSize: number) {

The initial setup is slightly more complex because we make all dependencies explicit at initialization time, but the selectPage and selectFontSize functions have suddenly become preposterously simple.


The base concept of Sherlock is the Derivable. A Derivable is a piece of application state that can be combined and used to derive other pieces of application state.

There are three types of Derivables:


To execute side effects, you can react to changes on any derivable as seen in an earlier example.

More documentation coming soon


More documentation coming soon

Interoperability with RxJS using sherlock-rxjs

Coming soon

Proxies using sherlock-proxies

Coming soon


@politie/sherlock should be used in combination with immutable data structures such as the excellent Immutable library by Facebook.

Differences with derivablejs

Fixes to the change propagation algorithm

Coming soon

Cyclic reactors

Coming soon


To familiarize yourself with all the functionality Sherlock has to offer, you can follow a tutorial. The tutorial consists of a number of Jest test files. It is your job to fix all the broken tests one by one. You can start the tutorial by cloning the repository and executing npm run watch:tutorial.