User profile data and document requests are cached with an 8-hour default duration.
Data is loaded from the cache when available, avoiding unnecessary requests.
Cache Management:
Users can manually refresh and resync documents and user profile by clicking the "Refresh" button, clearing and updating the cache.
Document Loading:
Documents are only loaded when the user lands on the creator page, not on every page. Previously, they were loaded on any visited page when the user was signed in.
Profile Section Updates:
The number of documents is no longer displayed in the user profile section after signing in.
Cache Updates:
The cache is replaced whenever the user modifies their documents or profile.
The cache is fully removed when the user logs out.
Error Handling:
In case of an "unsync situation," the user can reload their data to replace the existing cache - the specific error that occurs, when someone edited data on other device.
Rewrite useAuth, to be slim and not contain tons of not used functions.
Definition of Done (DoD)
Caching Policy:
Cache Management:
Document Loading:
Profile Section Updates:
Cache Updates:
Error Handling:
, to be slim and not contain tons of not used functions.