polubis / 4markdown

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How to Contribute?

  1. Share your GitHub username with Adrian Połubiński.
  2. Once added to the board and repo, pick a ticket.
  3. Assign it to yourself and move it to in progress.
  4. Always create a branch from develop, our default branch (main is for production).
  5. After completing your work, raise a PR and link it to the ticket in the comments.
  6. Include the ticket link in the PR description as well.
  7. Move the ticket to in review.
  8. Assign the PR to Adrian Połubiński for code review.
  9. If approved, testers (MajaWielechowska or KaminskiKrzysztof) will be assigned. If not, you'll need to make the necessary fixes.
  10. After testing, testers will comment on the results.
  11. If everything is fine, assign the ticket back to Adrian Połubiński.
  12. Once code review is complete, your part is done—Adrian Połubiński will handle the merging.

Contact Adrian Połubiński if you need assistance.

How to Run the Project?

To set up the required Node.js version, use nvm.

Ensure you have the following versions installed:

Once installed, run npm i --legacy-peer-deps.

Before starting development, populate the .env.development file with the necessary variables:


For these variables, please contact Adrian Połubiński.

To start the development server, run npm run start.

For a production build, run npm run build.

To run unit tests, use npm run test:watch.