polubis / 4markdown

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# Documentation This project has been established using an **open-source** template designed for the **Gatsby 5** ecosystem. You can find the template at: [Gatsby 5 Template + Tailwind + Zustand + TypeScript + Cypress + jest | rtl](https://github.com/polubis/Gatsby5-Tailwind-TypeScript-Cypress-jest-rtl-template). ## How to contribute? Please contact [Adrian Połubiński](https://www.linkedin.com/in/adrian-po%C5%82ubi%C5%84ski-281ab2172/). He'll compile a list of available tickets for you to work on. We've opted to avoid raising issues on **GitHub** because of the significant time spent on maintenance. > If you encounter a **bug**, **defect**, or have any **ideas for improvement** regarding [4markdown.com](https://4markdown.com/), please feel free to raise a **GitHub** issue. Your feedback is valuable to us! Upon pushing a commit, you'll be seamlessly added to this [page](https://greenonsoftware.com/authors/) if you'd like! ヾ(≧▽≦\*)o ## How to run the project? To set up `node` with the required version, you can utilize [nvm](https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm). Make sure you have the following versions installed: - `node 18.18.0` - `npm 8.11.0` Once you have the required versions, execute `npm i --legacy-peer-deps`. Before diving into **development**, you'll need to populate the `.env.development` file with necessary variables to facilitate project functionality: ```env GATSBY_API_URL= GATSBY_API_KEY= GATSBY_AUTH_DOMAIN= GATSBY_PROJECT_ID= GATSBY_STORAGE_BUCKET= GATSBY_MESSAGING_SENDER_ID= GATSBY_APP_ID= GATSBY_MEASUREMENT_ID= ``` Unfortunately, I cannot include them here. Please reach out to [Adrian Połubiński](https://www.linkedin.com/in/adrian-po%C5%82ubi%C5%84ski-281ab2172/) for assistance in setting up these variables. To initiate the `development` server, input `npm run start`. For generating a `production` build, execute `npm run build`. ## FAQ ## Commands ## Cheatsheet ## Folders & Files structure ## Architecture It's based on the following building blocks: 1. **Design system component** - Pure **UI** component, application agnostic, f.e `Button` or `Modal` 2. **Component** - Application specific, f.e `UsersList` or `PostsTable` - Design system component (app agnostic), f.e `Modal` or `Button` 3. **Container** - Contains connection to application **store** - Triggers **actions** and injects data from **store** 4. **View** - **Facade** to application route. Groups all components 5. **Page** - May be `static` - May be `dynamic` - Injects **framework** related data to **views**, it may be data from file system, or build time API requests 6. **Store** - The place where app related state is stored and maintained - Contains logic for **API** requests and handles app transactions, f.e call to **API** and change state 7. **Service** - Groups and maintains **backend API** logic 8. **Queries** - **Gatsby framework** related file system and data calls, f.e reading metadata from `json` files in `public` directory and passing it through component `props` 9. **Repository** - A `facade` that allows to read and maintain `local storage` and other browser related `API's` for data management and storage The architecture graph looks as follows when we include hierarchies: ## Conventions