Go to 4markdown.com, and try to upload an image. After doing that, you'll receive a link: ![Alt](https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/markdown-b9f5e.appspot.com/o/AQf2hcbxgSevVmNGPhRZTJg4M7D3%2Fimages%2F7fc1e220-6818-438c-884a-747ea54c4535?alt=media)*Description* .
The problem is, after passing this URL in the editor, the description is on the right side, but should be below:
Definition of done
After uploading an image, the generated URL displays the image description below, not on the right side.
Go to 4markdown.com, and try to upload an image. After doing that, you'll receive a link:
.The problem is, after passing this URL in the editor, the description is on the right side, but should be below:
Definition of done