polydice / ICInputAccessory

A customized token text field used in the iCook app.
MIT License
52 stars 18 forks source link


Customized text fields used in the iCook app.

Build Status Carthage compatible CocoaPods Compatible Platform Swift 5






ICInputAccessory iOS Xcode Swift
~> 1.0.0 8.0+ 7.2 Swift 2.1.1
~> 1.1.0 8.0+ 7.3 Swift 2.2
~> 1.2.0 8.0+ 8.0 Swift 2.3
~> 1.3.0 8.0+ 8.0 Swift 3.0
~> 1.4.0 8.0+ 8.3 Swift 3.1
~> 1.5.0 8.0+ 9.3 Swift 4.1
~> 2.0.0 8.0+ 10.0 Swift 4.1
develop 8.0+ 11.1 Swift 5.0


Use Carthage

Create a Cartfile with the following specification and run carthage update ICInputAccessory. Follow the instructions to add the framework to an iOS project.

github "polydice/ICInputAccessory"

Use CocoaPods

ICInputAccessory supports subspecs. Create a Podfile with the following specification and run pod install.

platform :ios, '8.0'

pod 'ICInputAccessory/TokenField'
pod 'ICInputAccessory/KeyboardDismissTextField'

Use Git Submodule

git submodule add -b master git@github.com:polydice/ICInputAccessory.git Dependencies/ICInputAccessory



let textField = KeyboardDismissTextField(frame: rect)


let tokenField = TokenField(frame: rect)
tokenField.delegate = self as? TokenFieldDelegate

The characters that complete a token:

/// Characters that complete a new token, defaults are whitespace and commas.
public var delimiters: [String]


/// Texts of each created token.
public var texts: [String] { get }

/// Creates a token with the current input text.
public func completeCurrentInputText()

/// Removes the input text and all displayed tokens.
public func resetTokens()

UI customization:

/// The image on the left of text field.
public var icon: UIImage? { get set }

/// The placeholder with the default color and font.
public var placeholder: String? { get set }

/// The placeholder with customized attributes.
public var attributedPlaceholder: NSAttributedString? { get set }

/// Customized attributes for tokens in the normal state, e.g. .font and .foregroundColor.
public var normalTokenAttributes: [NSAttributedStringKey : NSObject]? { get set }

/// Customized attributes for tokens in the highlighted state.
public var highlightedTokenAttributes: [NSAttributedStringKey : NSObject]? { get set }

Customizable properties in storyboard:

@IBInspectable var icon: UIImage?
@IBInspectable var placeholder: String?
@IBInspectable var textColor: UIColor?
@IBInspectable var cornerRadius: CGFloat

See Example/CustomizedTokenField.swift for more details.


TokenField currently notifies its delegate the following events:

@objc optional func tokenFieldDidBeginEditing(_ tokenField: TokenField)
@objc optional func tokenFieldDidEndEditing(_ tokenField: TokenField)
@objc optional func tokenFieldWillReturn(_ tokenField: TokenField)
@objc optional func tokenField(_ tokenField: TokenField, didChangeInputText text: String)
@objc optional func tokenField(_ tokenField: TokenField, shouldCompleteText text: String) -> Bool
@objc optional func tokenField(_ tokenField: TokenField, didCompleteText text: String)
@objc optional func tokenField(_ tokenField: TokenField, didDeleteText text: String, atIndex index: Int)

The displayed delimiter string can be customized by:

@objc optional func tokenField(_ tokenField: TokenField, subsequentDelimiterForCompletedText text: String) -> String


An example type that conforms to OptionDescriptive:

extension String: OptionDescriptive {

  var title: String {
    return self

  static var titleForOptionalValue: String {
    return "(optional)"


To initialize OptionPickerControl with CGRect.zero and add it to the view hierarchy:

let optionPicker = OptionPickerControl<String>()
optionPicker.options = [.optional, Option("Option 1"), Option("Option 2")]
optionPicker.addTarget(self, action: #selector(didChangeOption(_:)), for: .valueChanged)

To show the UIPickerView:





Thank you for being interested in contributing to this project. We'd love to hear your ideas!

Please fork this repository, create a branch named like feature/some-new-feature and send us a pull request to make this project better.


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Copyright (c) 2016 Polydice, Inc.

ICInputAccessory is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.