PolyDocs is a collaborative, community-driven resource for students and educators at Polytechnique Montreal. Our goal is to create a centralized repository of knowledge, including course notes, tutorials, study guides, and more, that is accessible and editable by anyone within the Polytechnique community. Whether you're looking to learn, review, or contribute, PolyDocs has something for you.
This website is built using Docusaurus, a modern static website generator. Docusaurus makes it easy to create organized, content-rich documentation websites, which is perfect for our community-driven project.
To set up the project locally, first clone the repository, then install the dependencies:
$ git clone
$ cd poly-docs
$ yarn
To start a local development server:
$ yarn start
This command will start a development server and open the website in your browser. Most changes you make to the code or content will automatically refresh in the browser, so there's no need to restart the server for every change.
We welcome contributions from everyone! Here’s how you can contribute to PolyDocs:
Fork the Repository
Click on the "Fork" button at the top right of this repository's GitHub page to create a personal copy of PolyDocs under your GitHub account.
Clone Your Fork
Clone the forked repository to your local machine:
$ git clone
$ cd poly-docs
Create a New Branch
Create a new branch for your contribution:
$ git checkout -b your-branch-name
Edit or Add Content
) in the appropriate directory.Preview Your Changes
Run the local development server to preview your changes:
$ yarn start
Commit and Push Your Changes
Once you’re happy with your changes, commit them:
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "Add/Update: Description of changes"
Then push your branch to your fork:
$ git push origin your-branch-name
Submit a Pull Request (PR)
repository on GitHub.PR Review
Your PR will be reviewed by a maintainer. Once approved, it will be merged into the main branch and published on the PolyDocs website!
PolyDocs accepts a wide variety of content. Some examples include:
Please make sure that all contributions adhere to academic integrity standards and do not include copyrighted material without permission.
PolyDocs is open-source under the GPL License. By contributing, you agree that your contributions will be licensed under the same license.
Thank you for helping to make PolyDocs a valuable resource for everyone at Polytechnique Montreal!