polymake bundle for Mac OS
2021-01-14 fixes for big sur, polymake version 4.3
2020-03-03 fixes for catalina, polymake version 4.0, support for polyDB
2018-03-02 changes for new polymake version 3.2, support for jupyter notebooks
2017-04-05 changes for new polymake version 3.1
2014-05-01: local installations of autoconf, automake and libtool
2014-05-01: Singular is now cloned from a fork of the Singular repository
2014-04-28: updated versions of software dependces. Do "make fetch_sources" before "make"
2014-04-28: rearranged targets: default target now fetches sources and builds bundle, to create a dmg with sources present do "make bundle" (the old default)