pombreda / markowik

Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/markowik
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=============================================================================== Markowik

Markowik converts Markdown to Google Code Wiki.

.. Google Code Wiki: http://code.google.com/p/support/wiki/WikiSyntax .. Markdown: http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/


Markowik is able to convert most Markdown constructs to its Google Code Wiki (GCW) equivalents. Instead of listing all supported conversions here, please have a look at Markowik's test suite show case__.

.. __: http://code.google.com/p/markowik/w/list?q=label:Test

.. contents:: :depth: 1 :local:


Markowik requires Python 2.6 or 2.7.


pip install markowik


easy_install markowik

You can also use Markowik without installation, as described under Contributions_.


Command Line

From the help output::

    usage: markowik [-h] [--mx [MX [MX ...]]] [--image-baseurl URL]
                    [--html-images] [--encoding ENCODING] [--quiet]
                    INFILE [OUTFILE]

    Convert Markdown to Google Code Wiki.

    positional arguments:
      INFILE               markdown file
      OUTFILE              wiki file (default: stdout)

    optional arguments:
      -h, --help           show this help message and exit
      --mx [MX [MX ...]]   markdown extensions to activate
      --image-baseurl URL  base URL to prepend to relative image locations
      --html-images        always use HTML for images
      --encoding ENCODING  encoding of input and output (default: UTF8)
      --quiet              disable info messages

Markdown extensions may be given similarly as to the `Python Markdown`_ (PyMD)
command line tool, with the exception that individual extensions must be
separated by a space::

    $ markowik INPUT --mx tables def_list

The currently supported (i.e. tested) extensions are *abbr*, *tables*, and
*def_list*. Other extensions generally should work too but might yield
unexpected results in the converted wiki text.

Concerning the option ``--html-images``, see the explanations below at

.. _`Python Markdown`: http://www.freewisdom.org/projects/python-markdown/
.. _`PyMD`: http://www.freewisdom.org/projects/python-markdown/


Markowik is implemented in Python. The markowik module provides a function named convert. Semantically it is similar to the command line interface (keyword arguments correspond to command line options). Here's a short usage example::

>>> import markowik
>>> markowik.convert("Some *markdown* text ...", mx=['tables'])
u'Some _markdown_ text ...'

Page Pragmas

GCW `page pragmas`_ can be set in Markdown source files as meta data in the
format defined by the PyMD `meta extension`_::

    >>> src = """Summary: page summary
    ... Labels: some, labels
    ... Here starts the *page* ..
    ... """
    >>> print markowik.convert(src, mx=['meta'])
    #summary page summary
    #labels some, labels
    Here starts the _page_ ..

Note that the meta extension has to be enabled explicitly, i.e. by default
Markowik does not recognize page pragmas.

.. _`page pragmas`: http://code.google.com/p/support/wiki/WikiSyntax#Pragmas
.. _`meta extension`: http://www.freewisdom.org/projects/python-markdown/Meta-Data


GCW cannot express all markup possible in Markdown. This means Markdown source files should be written with the following limitations in mind.

URLs in Links and Images ''''''''''''''''''''''''

URLs used for links or image sources have to be absolute and must have a specific protocol to get recognized by GCW. In particular, any URL must start with http://, https://, or ftp://. Markowik aborts the conversion if it finds URLs not matching these requirements.

Typefacing in Link Names ''''''''''''''''''''''''

GCW does not support typefacing in link names. For instance GCW renders the link name in [http://foo.com _Foo_] literally, i.e. as _Foo_. However, GCW recognizes typefacing in HTML links, i.e. <a href="http://foo.com">_Foo_</a> is emphasized properly. For this reason Markdown links with nested typefacing like [*Foo*](http://foo.com) will be converted to HTML links. As a result, link labels with certain special characters which have to be escaped in GCW using backtick (`````) markers will also result in HTML links.

Nested Paragraphs '''''''''''''''''

GCW does not really support multiple nested paragraphs (e.g. in lists or blockquotes). Markowik simulates multiple nested paragraphs by separating them with a <br/> (which visually mimics paragraphs but does not break the nesting environment).

Images ''''''

Markdown allows to express alternative and title texts for images. GCW's image syntax does not support this. The only way to preserve these texts is to use plain HTML <img> tags. The option --html-images enables this workaround.

Another issue is that GCW expects image URLs to end with an image file type extension. Markowik adds artificial image extensions if necessary, for instance http://foo.bar/image is changed to http://foo.bar/image?x=x.png.

Abbreviations '''''''''''''

GCW has no markup for abbreviations__ nor does it support the HTML tag <abbr>. Markowik converts abbreviations to <span>-elements which kind of mimics abbreviations (in a limited fashion of course).

.. __: http://www.freewisdom.org/projects/python-markdown/Abbreviations

HTML ''''

Any plain HTML occurring in a Markdown source ends up literally in GCW (with the exception of the content of span-level tags). This means the Markdown source should only contain HTML supported by GCW__. Another implication is that URLs used in plain HTML tags are not checked for GCW compatibility. In other words: when using raw HTML you are on your own!

.. __: http://code.google.com/p/support/wiki/WikiSyntax#HTML_support


:Releases and documentation: PyPI_

:Issues, source code, and test suite show case: Google Code_

:Source code mirrors: BitBucket and GitHub

.. PyPI: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/markowik .. Google Code: http://code.google.com/p/markowik .. BitBucket: https://bitbucket.org/obensonne/markowik .. GitHub: https://github.com/obensonne/markowik


To contribute to Markowik, fork the project at Google Code, BitBucket, or GitHub_.

Every fix or new feature should include one or more corresponding test cases (check the existing tests for how tests should look like). Please also post an issue describing your fix or enhancement.

.. existing tests: http://code.google.com/p/markowik/source/browse#hg%2Fsrc%2Ftests .. post an issue: http://code.google.com/p/markowik/issues

Markowik uses Buildout_ to easily set up the development environment. Buildout automates the process of downloading and installing requirements to use and develop Markowik. Requirements are installed local to the project source directory, i.e. it does not clutter the system Python installation.

In a fresh source checkout, run::

$ python bootstrap.py
$ bin/buildout

When done, the following scripts can be found in the bin/ directory:

markowik The Markowik command line tool, ready to use.

tests Test runner script (a wrapper for nose_).

fab Fabric_ binary to use for the project's fabfile.

python A Python interpreter whith acces to the local development version of the markowik module.

.. Buildout: http://www.buildout.org/ .. nose: http://readthedocs.org/docs/nose/ .. _Fabric: http://fabfile.org/


Version 0.2

- Markowik now supports (and requires) `PyMD`_ ≥ 2.1. Next to minor API changes
  PyMD 2.1 also had some changes and improvements in its conversion process
  -- for details, `check how tests have been adjusted`__ for PyMD 2.1.

.. __: http://code.google.com/p/markowik/source/list?r=0.2

Version 0.1.2

Version 0.1.1

- Improved documentation.
- Minor fixes.

Version 0.1

.. ......................................................................... ..

.. |flattr| image:: http://api.flattr.com/button/flattr-badge-large.png :alt: Flattr this :target: http://flattr.com/thing/410528/Markowik