pommicket / bootstrap

Bootstrapping a C compiler from scratch
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boostrapping a (Linux x86-64) C compiler

Compilers nowadays are written in languages like C, which themselves need to be compiled. But then, you need a C compiler to compile your C compiler! Of course, the very first C compiler was not written in C. First, people made assemblers, then simple programming languages, then, eventually, it was possible to make a C compiler. In this repository, we'll explore how that's done. Each directory here is a "stage" in the process. The first one, 00, is a hand-written executable, and the last one, 05, is a C compiler. Each directory has its own README explaining what's going on.

You can run bootstrap.sh to run through and test every stage. To get HTML versions of all README pages, run make.

Note that the executables produced in this series will only run on 64-bit Linux, because each OS/architecture combination would need its own separate executable.

table of contents

prerequisite knowledge

If you want to follow along with this series, you'll probably want to know about:

If you're unfamiliar with x86-64 assembly, you should take a look at the instruction list below.


Bootstrapping a compiler is not an easy task, so we're trying to make it as easy as possible. We don't even necessarily need a standard-compliant C compiler, we only need enough to compile someone else's C compiler. Specifically, we'll be using tcc since it's written (mostly) in C89.

We will create big and slow executables, and that's okay. It doesn't really matter if compiling TCC takes 30 as opposed to 0.01 seconds; once we compile it with itself, we should get the same executable either way.

reflections on trusting trust

In 1984, Ken Thompson wrote the well-known article Reflections on Trusting Trust. This is one of the inspirations for this project. A brief summary is: it's possible to create a malicious C compiler which will replicate its own malicious functionalities (e.g. detecting password-checking routines to make them also accept another password the attacker knows) when used to compile other C compilers. For all we know, such a compiler was used to compile gcc, say, and so all programs around today could be compromised. Of course, this is practically definitely not the case, but it's still an interesting experiment to try to create a fully trustable compiler. This project can't necessarily even do that though, because the Linux kernel, which we depend on, is compiled from C, so we can't fully trust it. To create a fully trustable compiler, you'd need to manually write an operating system to a USB key with a circuit or something, assuming you trust your CPU... I'll leave that to someone else.

instruction set

x86-64 has a gigantic instruction set. The manual for it is over 2,000 pages long! To make things simpler, we will only use a small subset.

Here are all the instructions we'll be using. If you're not familiar with x86-64 assembly, you might want to look over these.

x86-64 has 16 integer registers: rax, rbx, rcx, rdx, rsp, rbp, rsi, rdi, r8, r9, r10, r11, r12, r13, r14, r15. We will almost entirely be using the first 8 of these. al refers to the bottom 8 bits of rax, likewise with bl, cl, dl; ax refers to the bottom 16 bits of rax, likewise with bx, cx, dx; eax refers to the bottom 32 bits of rax, likewise with ebx, ecx, edx.

x86-64 also has 16 floating-point registers: xmm0 through xmm15. We'll only be using xmm0 and xmm1. These registers can hold either four 32-bit floating-point numbers (floats) or two 64-bit floating-point numbers (doubles), but we'll only be using them to hold either one float or one double.

In the table below, IMM64 means a 64-bit immediate (a constant number). rdx:rax refers to the 128-bit number you get by combining rdx and rax.

ax  bx  cx  dx  sp  bp  si  di
0   3   1   2   4   5   6   7

│ Instruction          │ Encoding          │ Description                            │
│ mov rax, IMM64       │ 48 b8 IMM64       │ set rax to the 64-bit value IMM64      │
│ mov rbx, IMM64       │ 48 bb IMM64       │ set rbx to the 64-bit value IMM64      │
| add rax, IMM32       | 48 05 IMM32       | add IMM32 (signed) to rax              |
│ xor eax, eax         │ 31 c0             │ set rax to 0 (shorter than mov rax, 0) │
│ xor edx, edx         │ 31 d2             │ set rdx to 0                           │
│ mov RDEST, RSRC      │ 48 89 (DEST|SRC<<3|0xc0) │ set register DEST to current    │
│                      │                          │ value of register SRC           │
│ mov r8, rax          │ 49 89 c0          │ set r8 to rax (only used for syscalls) │
│ mov r9, rax          │ 49 89 c1          │ set r9 to rax (only used for syscalls) │
│ mov r10, rax         │ 49 89 c2          │ set r10 to rax (only used for syscalls)│
| movsx rax, al        | 48 0f be c0       | sign-extend al to rax                  |
| movsx rax, ax        | 48 0f bf c0       | sign-extend ax to rax                  |
| movsx rax, eax       | 48 63 c0          | sign-extend eax to rax                 |
| movzx rax, al        | 48 0f b6 c0       | zero-extend al to rax                  |
| movzx rax, ax        | 48 0f b7 c0       | zero-extend ax to rax                  |
| mov eax, eax         | 89 c0             | zero-extend eax to rax                 |
│ xchg rax, rbx        │ 48 93             │ exchange the values of rax and rbx     │
│ mov [rbx], rax       │ 48 89 03          │ store rax as 8 bytes at address rbx    │
│ mov rax, [rbx]       │ 48 8b 03          │ load 8 bytes from address rbx into rax │
│ mov [rbx], eax       │ 89 03             │ store eax as 4 bytes at address rbx    │
│ mov eax, [rbx]       │ 8b 03             │ load 4 bytes from address rbx into eax │
│ mov [rbx], ax        │ 66 89 03          │ store ax as 2 bytes at address rbx     │
│ mov ax, [rbx]        │ 66 8b 03          │ load 2 bytes from address rbx into eax │
│ mov [rbx], al        │ 88 03             │ store al as 1 byte at address rbx      │
│ mov al, [rbx]        │ 8a 03             │ load 1 byte from address rbx into al   │
│ mov rax, [rbp+IMM32] │ 48 8b 85 IMM32    │ load 8 bytes from address rbp+IMM32    │
│                      │                   │ into rax (note: IMM32 may be negative) │
│ mov rax, [rsp+IMM32] │ 48 8b 84 24 IMM32 │ load 8 bytes from rsp+IMM32 into rax   │
│ mov [rbp+IMM32], rax │ 48 89 85 IMM32    │ store rax in 8 bytes at rbp+IMM32      │
│ mov [rsp+IMM32], rax │ 48 89 84 24 IMM32 │ store rax in 8 bytes at rsp+IMM32      │
│ mov [rsp], rbp       │ 48 89 2c 24       │ store rbp in 8 bytes at rsp            │
│ mov rbp, [rsp]       │ 48 8b 2c 24       │ load 8 bytes from rsp into rbp         │
│ lea rax, [rbp+IMM32] │ 48 8d 85 IMM32    │ set rax to rbp+IMM32                   │
│ lea rsp, [rbp+IMM32] │ 48 8d a5 IMM32    │ set rsp to rbp+IMM32                   │
| int3                 | cc                | raise trap signal -useful for debugging|
| movsq                | 48 a5             | copy 8 bytes from rsi to rdi           |
| rep movsb            | f3 a4             | copy rcx bytes from rsi to rdi         |
│ push rax             │ 50                │ push rax onto the stack                │
│ pop rax              │ 58                │ pop a value off the stack into rax     │
│ neg rax              │ 48 f7 d8          │ set rax to -rax                        │
│ add rax, rbx         │ 48 01 d8          │ add rbx to rax                         │
│ sub rax, rbx         │ 48 29 d8          │ subtract rbx from rax                  │
│ imul rbx             │ 48 f7 eb          │ set rdx:rax to rax * rbx (signed)      │
│ cqo                  │ 48 99             │ sign-extend rax to rdx:rax             |
│ idiv rbx             │ 48 f7 fb          │ divide rdx:rax by rbx (signed); put    │
│                      │                   │    quotient in rax, remainder in rdx   │
│ mul rbx              │ 48 f7 e3          │ like imul, but unsigned                │
│ div rbx              │ 48 f7 f3          │ like idiv, but unsigned                │
│ not rax              │ 48 f7 d0          │ set rax to ~rax (bitwise not)          │
│ and rax, rbx         │ 48 21 d8          │ set rax to rax & rbx (bitwise and)     │
│ or rax, rbx          │ 48 09 d8          │ set rax to rax | rbx (bitwise or)      │
│ xor rax, rbx         │ 48 31 d8          │ set rax to rax ^ rbx (bitwise xor)     │
│ shl rax, cl          │ 48 d3 e0          │ set rax to rax << cl (left shift)      │
│ shl rax, IMM8        │ 48 c1 e0 IMM8     │ set rax to rax << IMM8                 │
│ shr rax, cl          │ 48 d3 e8          │ set rax to rax >> cl (unsigned)        │
│ shr rax, IMM8        │ 48 c1 e8 IMM8     │ set rax to rax >> IMM8 (unsigned)      │
│ sar rax, cl          │ 48 d3 f8          │ set rax to rax >> cl (signed)          │
│ sar rax, IMM8        │ 48 c1 f8 IMM8     │ set rax to rax >> IMM8 (signed)        │
│ sub rsp, IMM32       │ 48 81 ec IMM32    │ subtract IMM32 from rsp                │
│ add rsp, IMM32       │ 48 81 c4 IMM32    │ add IMM32 to rsp                       │
│ cmp rax, rbx         │ 48 39 d8          │ compare rax with rbx (see je, jl, etc.)│
│ test rax, rax        │ 48 85 c0          │ equivalent to cmp rax, 0               │
│ jmp IMM32            │ e9 IMM32          │ jump to offset IMM32 from here         │
│ je IMM32             │ 0f 84 IMM32       │ jump to IMM32 if equal                 │
│ jne IMM32            │ 0f 85 IMM32       │ jump if not equal                      │
│ jl IMM32             │ 0f 8c IMM32       │ jump if less than                      │
│ jg IMM32             │ 0f 8f IMM32       │ jump if greater than                   │
│ jle IMM32            │ 0f 8e IMM32       │ jump if less than or equal to          │
│ jge IMM32            │ 0f 8d IMM32       │ jump if greater than or equal to       │
│ jb IMM32             │ 0f 82 IMM32       │ jump if "below" (like jl but unsigned) │
│ ja IMM32             │ 0f 87 IMM32       │ jump if "above" (like jg but unsigned) │
│ jbe IMM32            │ 0f 86 IMM32       │ jump if below or equal to              │
│ jae IMM32            │ 0f 83 IMM32       │ jump if above or equal to              │
│ sete al              │ 0f 94 c0          │ set al to 1 if equal; 0 otherwise      │
│ setne al             │ 0f 95 c0          │ set al to 1 if not equal               │
│ setl al              │ 0f 9c c0          │ set al to 1 if less than               │
│ setg al              │ 0f 9f c0          │ set al to 1 if greater than            │
│ setle al             │ 0f 9e c0          │ set al to 1 if less than or equal to   │
│ setge al             │ 0f 9d c0          │ set al to 1 if greater than or equal to│
│ setb al              │ 0f 92 c0          │ set al to 1 if below                   │
│ seta al              │ 0f 97 c0          │ set al to 1 if above                   │
│ setbe al             │ 0f 96 c0          │ set al to 1 if below or equal to       │
│ setae al             │ 0f 93 c0          │ set al to 1 if above or equal to       │
| movq rax, xmm0       | 66 48 0f 7e c0    | set rax to xmm0                        |
| movq xmm0, rax       | 66 48 0f 6e c0    | set xmm0 to rax                        |
| movq xmm1, rax       | 66 48 0f 6e c8    | set xmm1 to rax                        |
| movq xmm1, xmm0      | f3 0f 7e c8       | set xmm1 to xmm0                       |
| cvtss2sd xmm0, xmm0  | f3 0f 5a c0       | convert xmm0 from float to double      |
| cvtsd2ss xmm0, xmm0  | f2 0f 5a c0       | convert xmm0 from double to float      |
| cvttsd2si rax, xmm0  | f2 48 0f 2c c0    | convert double in xmm0 to int in rax   |
| cvtsi2sd xmm0, rax   | f2 48 0f 2a c0    | convert int in rax to double in xmm0   |
| comisd xmm0, xmm1    | 66 0f 2f c1       | compare xmm0 and xmm1                  |
| addsd xmm0, xmm1     | f2 0f 58 c1       | add xmm1 to xmm0                       |
| subsd xmm0, xmm1     | f2 0f 5c c1       | subtract xmm1 from xmm0                |
| mulsd xmm0, xmm1     | f2 0f 59 c1       | multiply xmm0 by xmm1                  |
| divsd xmm0, xmm1     | f2 0f 5e c1       | divide xmm0 by xmm1                    |
│ call rax             │ ff d0             │ call the function at address rax       │
│ ret                  │ c3                │ return from function                   │
│ syscall              │ 0f 05             │ execute a system call                  │
│ nop                  │ 90                │ do nothing                             │

Arguments are passed in
    rdi, rsi, rdx, r10, r8, r9
The return value is placed in rax.
The values of rsp, rbp and rbx are preserved, but other registers might change.


This does not apply to tcc's or musl's source code.

This project is in the public domain. Any copyright protections from any law
are forfeited by the author(s). No warranty is provided, and the author(s)
shall not be held liable in connection with it.


If you notice a mistake/want to clarify something, you can submit a pull request via GitHub, or email pommicket at pommicket.com.