pondichys / void-setup

Setup of Void Linux
MIT License
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Setup of Void Linux - still work in progress

This repository is under heavy mutation as I am thinking about restructuring a lot and simplifying for new users.

The scripts are delivered for post-installation configuration steps.

If you want to know how I install my Void systems, have a look in the documentation directory

Notes - these notes are there for references only

To have the BE keyboard mapping with SDDM, edit the file /usr/share/sddm/scripts/Xsetup and add the line setxkbmap be


I like the Bibata Modern Ice cursors a lot. Download them from the release page of their Github repository.

Decompress them and move the resulting directory (Bibata-*) to either ~/.icons/ for the current user or /usr/share/icons/ for all users

You can use LxAppearance to select the cursor theme. If it does not display correctly, have a look in ~/.icons/default/index.theme or /usr/share/icons/default/index.theme (if it does not exist, create it). It should have the following content:

[Icon Theme]

Save and exit your session then login again. The cursor should be ok in both SDDM and your tiling windows manager.

If your cursor switches back to default in Firefox, edit the file ~/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini and set gtk-cursor-theme-name=Bibata-Modern-Ice.