TranscodeE16 is a bitcoin payable web app designed for the 21 Marketplace to provide video transcoding as a service. Clients can perform the following actions with the service:
TranscodeE16 requires a few 3rd party libraries and python packages in order to run. Support has been verified on Raspberry Pi and Ubuntu using the setup script. To get things up and running:
$ git clone
$ cd TranscodeE16
$ ./
Next, start up the server:
$ python3 -d
Connecting to DB.
Checking to see if any files need to be cleaned up in 'server-data' folder.
Sleeping for an hour befor cleaning up folder again.
Server running...
Next, verify it works by checking the server status url:
$ 21 buy http://localhost:9016/server-status
"numQueudJobs": 0,
"numRunningJobs": 0,
"success": true
To ensure the server stays running across reboots, you can create a reboot cron job. This will ensure TranscodeE16 will be restarted any time the device comes back online.
To open the cron file:
$ crontab -e
Edit the file and add a reboot line (replace the path):
@reboot cd /your/path/to/TranscodeE16/ && python3 -d
Now you can reboot the device and ensure it is running:
$ ps aux | grep python3
twenty 545 2.2 2.5 39928 25884 ? Sl 17:35 0:07 python3
Behind the scenes, TranscodeE16 uses avconv/ffmpeg to convert a video for the client. Only one transcoding job is allowed to run at a time and any other jobs get queued up. To keep track of job status it uses a SQLite database named "jobs.db" that is created by the setup script.
On startup it will see if there were any previously queued or running jobs and restart them to guard against an app crash or server reboot.
When the client submits a job, they can specify among 3 video sizes:
The transcoding size specified will determine the height of the output video and the width will be automatically determined to ensure the aspect ratio of the original video is maintained.
All transcoded videos will use an MP4 container, use the H.264 video codec with the 'baseline" profile, and use the AAC encoder for audio.
Any files that have been transcoded will be automatically deleted after 24 hours. A cleanup job is run by the service that will look every hour to remove any videos with a date stamp more than 24 hours old.
The client can check to see if the service is ready to process jobs:
$ 21 buy url 'http://localhost:9016/server-status'
"numQueudJobs": 0,
"numRunningJobs": 0,
"success": true
No jobs are running, so the client can get a price quote for a video:
$ 21 buy url 'http://localhost:9016/price?url='
"minutes": 4,
"price": 6000,
"pricePerMin": 1500,
"success": true
Note that the client specified a video url where the service can grab the video from. Also note that the pricing scheme is explained. It will cost 6000 Satoshis to transcode this video.
Next, request the transcoding job to run against this video:
$ 21 buy url 'http://localhost:9016/transcode?url='
"message": "Transcoding job has started.",
"success": true
Note that the client has pointed the service at a video URL and also specified that the output should be 480 pixels tall. If this 'scale' parameter is not specified, it will default to 1080p.
Since the job has started, the client can request status about the job using the jobId returned from the previous request:
$ 21 buy url 'http://localhost:9016/job-status?jobId=UGD2HYU4CTPE6DVCCJB3'
"JobCompletionTime": 34.0,
"Message": "Transcoding job is running and has completed 20%",
"PercentComplete": 20.0,
"success": true
Here we can see that the job is 20% complete. When the job is complete, the job status call will return STATUS_COMPLETE:
$ 21 buy url 'http://localhost:9016/job-status?jobId=UGD2HYU4CTPE6DVCCJB3'
"JobCompletionTime": 158.0,
"Message": "Transcoding job finished.",
"PercentComplete": 100.0,
"success": true
Since the job has completed, the client can now download the transcoded file and save it locally:
$ 21 buy url 'http://localhost:9016/download?jobId=UGD2HYU4CTPE6DVCCJB3' -o ./sample.mp4