popebabylon / In-The-Dark-and-Quiet

Entry for #GitHubGameOff November 2020 with the theme "moonshot" by Peter D. Johnston.
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In The Dark and Quiet (alpha)


What racing to be first can do to someone. Will you ground them? Or send them spiraling into madness?

An rough draft interactive fiction game written in Ink about the perils of space travel and business partners.

An entry for #GitHubGameOff, November 2020, with the theme "moonshot."

Installation & Usage

The game can be run using a modern browser by opening the /itdaq_web/index.html file.

The game is available to run online at https://popebabylon.itch.io/itdaq.

Play is driven by selecting hyperlinks presented in the text to load additional story content.

Issues and feedback should be reported on github at https://github.com/popebabylon/In-The-Dark-and-Quiet/issues.

So far most testing/playing has occured in Google Chrome. Other browser support is unknown.


Written in Ink by Peter D. Johnston.

Ink web complied game provided by Inky.

Additional html, javascript, and css by Peter D. Johnston.



My accountability crew, my Space: 1889ers, and Katie, Thor & Loki.


Thank you to our image sources opengameart.org, deviantart.com, and CC Search. Images have been cropped, resized, rotated, mirrored, colored, and touched-up to fit the functional requirements and tone of this work. Any image used from this game must provide credit back to the original art below.

Background: Pluto, Charon, and Sun by Kevin M. Gill made available under License CC BY 2.0

Pluto: New Horizons Flyby of Pluto by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center made available under License CC BY 2.0

Benton: Starship Security Officer by Justin Nichol made available under License CC-BY-SA 3.0

Junia: The Husk- Human Analog Android by Justin Nichol made available under License CC-BY-SA 3.0

Lucas: Science Officer by Justin Nichol made available under License CC-BY-SA 3.0

TARC: Ying Yang Mentality by LoomingColumn made available under License CC-BY-SA 3.0

Woodpecker: Spears of the Dawn Cover by Nicole Cardiff made available under License CC0 1.0

Player 01 Image: Ashita by Justin Nichol made available under License CC-BY-SA 3.0

Player 02 Image: Bjin by Justin Nichol made available under License CC-BY-SA 3.0

Player 03 Image: lessig by Justin Nichol made available under License CC-BY-SA 3.0

Player 04 Image: Space Captain by Justin Nichol made available under License CC-BY-SA 3.0

Player 05 Image: Joi by Justin Nichol made available under License CC-BY-SA 3.0

Player 06 Image: Post Apocalyptic Woman 2 by Justin Nichol made available under License CC-BY-SA 3.0

Player 07 Image: Alec by Justin Nichol made available under License CC-BY-SA 3.0

Player 08 Image: FlareFemaleHero3 by Justin Nichol made available under License CC-BY-SA 3.0

Player 09 Image: FlareMaleHero by Justin Nichol made available under License CC-BY-SA 3.0


Material Icons made available under the Apache License Version 2.0

Nunito Sans made available under the Open Font License



An old friend (or frenemy) has roped you into a wild scheme at his exciting startCorp, one that will change the face of the solar system (or so he claims).

Tasked with keeping him company via the corps secure messaging platform you start to discover corporate espionage, a suspicious AI, and the looming risk of madness.

Can you keep him from disappearing in the dark and quiet?

To Do


Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.